How to Write an Essay Outline
An outline is necessary before writing an essay for thoughts to be organized and well written. It serves as the skeleton or the main framework which is a key to a good material.
In writing an essay outline, you should be ready with a title that captivates your reader. In addition to a title, make sure there is a rationale or a background of why you are writing your essay. it should be clearly stated what objective of the essay are.
To start with your essay, draft an outline for a smooth writing remembering that any essay consists of the introduction part, body and conclusion part.
The first head of the outline should start with the first main point. Subheads follow the main point. These subheads should include phrases what the paragraph about the first main point should be about. Details may be written under each subhead. These details are short sentences which can
further explain each subhead.
The next main point, which normally includes the body, should be written on the next set of outline. Just follow the method on how you did the first set of outline.
Drafting an outline before writing an essay is beneficial in avoiding errors, in deciding which main point the essay should be all about, and in prioritizing what to write first. It helps in organizing ideas that may ramble in your brain during the writing process. The outline serves as the information collector in which you would refer to throughout your writing and post-writing phase.
Draft your outline first. This will help you visualize the tone and form of your essay