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ESL Grammar Class

Are you having trouble with English grammar? Perhaps English is your second language and you’re looking to perfect your language skills? Or maybe you’re a native English speaker but often get confused with subject-verb agreement? Either way, we know that learning good English grammar can have numerous benefits—it can open up a myriad of different opportunities, whether those be in education, business or your personal life; this is why we’re bringing you our ESL Basic English Grammar Class! In this class, you’ll be learning about the English language in the quickest, easiest possible way. We give you modules which have everything you need to know without the hassles that a lot of other English courses offer—our classes are written in simple language and are clearly outlined. We’ll be guiding you every step of the way. Furthermore, learning is made easy because instead of telling you how English grammar works, we show you through numerous examples. If you’re looking for a quick, easy way to become a great English speaker, then this is the class for you. We know that learning good English can make the difference between whether or not you’re able to achieve your  dreams, so help us help you make those dreams come true. Sign up for our ESL Grammar Class with an easy click of a button!

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Lesson 1: Why Learn Basic English Grammar?

English is one of the most widely-spoken languages worldwide. Learning Basic English grammar opens up more opportunities for communication—it also opens up more doors with regard to employment and education.

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Lesson 2: The Different Uses of the English Language & Common Problems

English is a very useful language. Below are different ways in which you will be able to use the language once you learn it. Below are also examples of common problems encountered when learning English and how to overcome them.

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 Lesson 3: Basic English Words

Like most languages, words are the basic unit of information in English. In this section, we will take a general look at the basic kinds of words that we will encounter in the future lessons. We’ll outline the definitions of these types of words, what they’re used for and how they’re used in sentences.

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Lesson 4: Nouns

In the previous lesson, we learned that nouns are usually the subject of sentences. A noun can be a person, place, event or thing—in this section, we’ll study the different types of nouns. To make learning how to use nouns easier, we’ll be providing examples for every kind of noun.

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Lesson 5: Adjectives

It is very important when learning how to read and write well in English that you learn how to describe things properly. In this section, we’ll be talking about the kinds of words which describe people, things, places or events. These are called adjectives: we’ll be talking about the different types of adjectives and how they’re used in a sentence.

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Lesson 6: Verbs

In Lesson 2, we learned that verbs are usually action words. Here, we take a look at a more in-depth definition of verbs. We will also be identifying the different types of verbs, what they’re used for and how to use them when constructing a sentence. We can also see how they relate to nouns, which we discussed in the previous lesson.

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Lesson 7: Adverbs

In the definition discussed above, we discussed that there are three ways in which we can use an adverb: to describe a verb, to describe an adjective and to describe another adverb. In this portion of the lesson, we’ll discuss examples of how these three instances occur within a sentence.

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Lesson 8: Tenses

Tenses refer to the way in which we state things, according to when they happened. There are three basic verb tenses in which we say things—past, present and future.

Throughout this lesson, we’ll discuss the different kinds of ways that these three basic tenses are manipulated to discuss the things we mean. We will also be taking a look at numerous examples which will help us understand how to use these tenses the right way and in the right instance.

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Lesson 9: Irregular Verbs

In this lesson, we’ll be taking up irregular verbs. These verbs are important for us to know because they behave differently than regular verbs and may be the cause of a number of mistakes we commit in the future. We’ll be discussing the definition of irregular verbs, how they’re formed and how to use them in a sentence.

Irregular verbs are verbs which can’t be formed by simply adding –d or –ed. They are formed according to their tenses either by changing the spelling of the entire word or by retaining it completely (i.e. the plural of fish is fish).

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Lesson 10: Gerunds

In this lesson, we’ll be taking up gerunds. Gerunds are unique less for how they are structured or formed and more for how they function within a sentence. In this section, we’ll be taking a look at how these verbs act and why it’s important for us to know how to use them when we write sentences.

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Lesson 11: Infinitives

In this lesson, we’ll be taking up infinitives. These are verbs which are combined with the preposition to and are often used as the noun in a sentence. Less often, they can be used as an adjective or an adverb. Nevertheless, we’ll be discussing all these different uses in this section. We will also be looking at different examples of infinitive phrases and why they’re important when constructing sentences.

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Lesson 12: Active Voice

Verbs can be stated in a sentence in two ways: either in active voice or passive voice. While bother variations contain the same meaning, changing the order of the words changes the context of your sentence. In this section, we’ll be focusing on active voice. We’ll be discussing its definition, how it’s used and the different ways in which it can be beneficial.

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Lesson 13: Passive Voice

In our last lesson, we learned about active voice, one of the ways in which verbs can be stated in a sentence. In this section, we’ll be focusing on passive voice. We’ll be discussing its definition, how it’s different from the active voice, and how it’s used.

Passive voice is when the subject is defined only in terms of the verb. It is less action-oriented.

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Lesson 14: Auxiliary Verbs

An auxiliary verb is also known as a helping verb. They are verbs that are used to help form different sentences—they are the tools used to transition from different tenses, voices and sentence types.

Auxiliary verbs are very important—without them, we wouldn’t be able to form any of the sentences or statements that we’ve discussed so far. We wouldn’t be able to translate past tense into present progressive tense—we wouldn’t be able to shift from the active to the passive voice. While auxiliary verbs don’t necessarily carry a lot of action, they definitely help the action happen. In this portion of our lesson, we’ll discuss the different auxiliary verbs and how they’re used.

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Lesson 15: Prepositions

Prepositions can be difficult for English learners because there is no set formula for when to use them. However, they do have certain indicators which we will be taking up in this lesson. We’ll also be looking at how to use the different prepositions in a sentence.

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Lesson 16: Conjunctions

Conjunctions are crucial in the English language because they provide a good transition for both words and ideas in our work. Furthermore, they define how those phrases, clauses or ideas relate with one another: are they similar? Are they different? In this lesson, we’ll be talking about conjunctions and their different uses. We’ll also be demonstrating each means of use in a sentence.

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Lesson 17: Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs are words or phrases that join two independent clauses together to form a single statement.

An independent clause is a part of a sentence that can stand alone. For example, in the sentence I am happy even if I don’t get to eat, I am happy is an independent clause. Even if I don’t get to eat is a dependent clause because it doesn’t make sense without the first half of the sentence.

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Lesson 18: Articles

Articles are very important in English grammar. Not only do they complete sentences, they also tell us the context in which the noun is being referred to. In this lesson, we’ll be studying the two kinds of nouns—definite and indefinite. We’ll be specifying and demonstrating how these articles are used in a sentence via examples.

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Lesson 19: Interjections

Interjections are used to liven up a paragraph or to convey great emotion. In this lesson, we’ll be looking at how interjections are used in a sentence and how they can add to the meaningfulness of a sentence.

An interjection is a word which conveys a strong emotion. It is usually punctuated by an exclamation point. It doesn’t have a functional use in a sentence.

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Lesson 20: Capitalization

Capitalization refers to using a capital letter for the first letter of a word. For example, jane doesn’t exhibit capitalization but Jane does. There are four main instances in the English language when capitalization is appropriate. First is the first letter in the first word of every sentence. It is also important to capitalize when you’re referring to a proper noun—proper nouns include people, places, events, months, things and establishments. The pronoun “I” is also always capitalized. Finally, it is important to capitalize when referring to someone’s title—Dr., Atty. and Mr. and other such titles should all be capitalized.

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Lesson 21: Sentences

A sentence is defined as a statement which expresses one complete thought. It can be made up of words, phrases and clauses. A sentence containing more than one train of thought is called a run-on sentence. Sentences are categorized according what they wish to convey—they can either be declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. In this lesson, we’ll be taking a look at all of these four sentences and how they’re used.

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Lesson 22: Conclusion

We began this class with why it would be a good idea to learn how to speak English well. We listed down different advantages that we might gain from mastering English grammar as well as what we could use our knowledge for. After that, we proceeded to look at the different parts of grammar and speech—we studied everything from nouns to infinitives, to adverbs to Auxiliary verbs and prepositions. We were able to define all of these things and see how they related to each other. After studying words, we were also able to study sentences and the different kinds of sentences.

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