Chicago Style Research Paper: Interesting Research Paper Topics and Writing Tips
Help with Writing Your Chicago Style Research Papers
Chicago style research paper is one among the list of citation formats for research papers such as MLA, APA, Harvard style research papers etc. Such styles are established to give credit to people’s work that a writer may have borrowed at the time, use as a pattern to reference, and show the depth of research paper writing adherence. Chicago Style Manual was prepared and published by Kate L. Turabian, so it may be referred to as either Chicago or Turabian Style with no difference in meaning.
A Chicago style research paper turns out to be very handy in organizing the source materials so that other reference styles like APA or MLA do not presuppose. According to the Chicago style there are not only the author’s name and the date of publication you put within the paper text. What designates and distinguishes the Chicago style is footnotes and endnotes. The sphere of application of this particular style is social and political science and history, so most frequently it is used in research papers on humanities.
Though footnotes remain the main feature of Chicago style, the style is not only used to cite sources while writing a research paper but also in research paper bibliography, general research paper writing templates, endnotes, research paper cover page etc. Why not to take up a chance to learn more about Chicago style and overcome your difficulties? Read through this article and you are sure you are sure to find pick up a thing or two that will help you.
Quick Navigation through Chicago Style Research Paper Format:
- Chicago Format Template
- Chicago Research Paper Example
- Chicago research paper Footnotes and Endnotes
- How We Can Help
- Chicago Style Bibliography
- Chicago Style Thesis
- Chicago style research paper essay
- Suggestion on Developing a Research Paper Topic
Chicago Format Template
It is necessary to make clear how your research project must be done in compliance with Chicago style.Chicago style paper template presupposes:
Chicago Style Research Paper Free Sample
(Click the image to enlarge)
- 1 inch margins on each side of the research paper template;
- double spaced text except in the case of block quotations which are single spaced and indented using 4 space;
- footnotes, endnotes and reference list must be single spaced;
- reference list is not mandatory;
- the research paper title page should include the name of school, the full title of the paper, course, your name and the date of research paper delivery;
- page numbers must be placed in the upper right corner.
Download Chicago Research Paper Example
Considering the importance of referencing a research paper properly ProfEssays.com is eager to share a Chicago style research paper sample with you for free!
Chicago research paper Footnotes and Endnotes
If you are required to do your research paper in Chicago style, it means your teacher or instructor expects you to use footnotes or endnotes that clarify to your reader where you took the references from. Like in the following example:
So, what is the format of the Chicago style footnote references?
- The footnote references are performed by means of a superscript number which is put above the line of the text. The font size of the number is smaller compared to the rest of the paper text (look the example bellow).
- The footnote text is placed at the bottom of the page where there is the citation.
- If the paper font is done in 12-point, the footnote text format is 10-point font.
- In Chicago style there is a difference in formating the first footnote to the source (FN), and subsequent footnotes (SF) when you refer to the the same study again in the paper.
Example:FN: Stephen Kern, The Culture of Time and Space (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983), 55.
SF: Kern, Culture, 55.
As you can see there are 2 main differences in these footnotes:
A. In first footnote you provide full name of the author starting from his first name, in subsequent footnotes only the last name is mentioned.
B. The first footnote contains full information about the book, including the publisher and the year, while subsequent footnotes don’t contain this information at all. Even the title should be shortened to one word in subsequent footnotes. - The titles of the books or journals should be italicized, while the names of the chapters, articles, and poems should be put in double quotation marks.Compare the examples:
Book: Stephen Kern, The Culture of Time and Space (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983), 55.Journal article: Evonne Levy, “The Miraculous Mechanical Reproduction in the Age of Digital Reproducibility,” Public 15 (1997): 105.
- If applicable, the reference to on-line source should contain the following items:- The name of the author(s),
– The title of the document,– The organization, or web-site name where the information is provided,
– The specific address or URL. Some servers will generate pages ‘on the fly,’ which result in very long web addresses. If this is the case, just provide the general URL of the website.
– The date you accessed the page.
For example, if you want to refer to this article at ProfEssays.com in Chicago style research paper, the footnote will be:
- Pay attention to the punctuation marks in the examples provided: there is full stops in footnotes, the name of the author and the title are separated by comma, etc.
- Unlike the footnote text which is located at the bottom of the page, the endnote text is inserted at the end of the paper and the font size is identical with that of the rest of the paper.
“The Chicago Style Research Paper: Interesting Research Paper Topics and Writing Tips,” ProfEssays.com, May 4, 2010, http://www.professays.com/custom-essays-term-papers/chicago-style-research-papers/ (accessed March 6, 2011).
How We Can Help
If you still have a problem citing your research paper properly, you can apply for our assistance at ProfEssays.com, Don’t hazitate! ProfEssays.com – a professional custom research paper writing service provider – is here for you to become your first right hand. Do you need a properly cited Chicago style research paper? Our writers are experienced in the Chicago style, and have no problems with applying its rules to your research paper. Just order custom research paper at a very fantastic price, and our writers will write you an excellent paper on any topic in Chicago style. It will be delivered on time and 100% free of plagiarism! Among our special services are 8 hrs emergency delivery and 24 hours customer support. ProfEssays.com ensures you of getting decent research papers worth distinction! Note, if you have already written the research paper, but have problems with your reference format, we would be glad to help you with that. Our proofreading service costs half price from paper writing!
Since this rules are enacted by educational authorities, the failure of properly citing according to a required format (in this case Chicago research paper style ) the student may be in danger of mark reduction an occurrence that will be very disastrous at the end.
Chicago style bibliography
Although all of the referenced information of the Chicago style research paper may be found in the footnotes, there is often a need for students to make their bibliography list as well.
You should organize the bibliography in alphabetical order.
Compared to the footnotes, the bibliography is organized with some changes in location and order of the author name and also in punctuation marks.
So, if the author first name precedes his last name in the footnotes as in James Charlesworth, and after it follows coma, in bibliography it looks a little bit different – Charlesworth, James. – where the coma is replaced but a full stop and the last name with the coma takes the first place. Thus, you should be very watchful formatting your Chicago style research paper paying thorough
attention to all at first sight unnoticeable but in fact very meaningful and important formatting differences from the footnotes.
Book: Kern, Stephen. The Culture of Time and Space. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.
Journal article: Levy, Evonne. “The Miraculous Mechanical Reproduction in the Age of Digital Reproducibility.” Public 15 (1997): 104-105.
If you still have problem citing research paper writing properly you can buy research paper.
Chicago Style Thesis
There are a few styles of formatting that can be applied by students while working on their thesis or dissertation, still you may use a style that is relevant almost in all cases – Chicago Style (also known as Chicago Turabian Style).
Although there are special formal styles of writing a thesis or dissertation like APA or MLA for instance, the Chicago (Turabian) Style can appear to be excellent alternative marked by sufficient flexibility. This style is known as versatile enough to be used in any kind of writing and thesis or dissertation is not an exception.
The Chicago Style thesis presupposes that the writers resort to the referencing through inserting footnotes or endnotes in the papers and also in bibliography.
The system of Chicago style references enables the authors to avoid being indicted of plagiarism and establish their responsibility with regard to the cited materials.
Chicago style footnotes may assist the readers in looking through the sources used by the the author as references.
Endnotes and footnotes also allow the author to express some of his/her viewpoints or ideas regarding the primary source or put some comments that can elucidate the material of the paper and enable the readers to understand it better. This makes the text more coherent and interactive for the reader.
In the process of doing your Chicago Style thesis make sure to trace all your sources. Any piece of thought, be it an idea or quotation, taken from the source are supposed to indicate the source to your readers. Usually, the information you’ll insert in your citing includes the name of an author, article title, publication name, publication date, and pages that served the origin of your idea or quotation.
Chicago style research paper entails that one hold fast to the format of writing dictated by the Manual for Writers of Research Papers by Kate Turabian. In the same way while writing in APA format one is mandated to follow American psychology association for social sciences related courses example; anthropology, economics, marketing, philosophy, geography, sociology research paper etc, MLA format stick to Modern Language Association of America Manual, and so on.
For more information on how to format using Chicago style research paper study Chicago style research paper sample from ProfEssays.com or inquire for more information from other useful sources in your library and from your tutor.
Chicago style research paper essay
When dealing with Chicago style research paper it is important you bear in mind that a research paper is a bit different from an essay.
A research paper deals with more complex issues that usually need to be verified by a research paper methodology. So, in an essay paper, though thesis statement might be issued, there is no requirement for any methodology to be used. By contrast, research requirements are needed to tackle complex issues in a research paper writing .
However, this does not mean that Chicago style can’t be used in an essay. While writing a short essay you will benefit from using Chicago style, as it will allow you to give precise references with a page number, to comment on your sources without interrupting your line of argumentation, which will make an essay more coherent. Moreover, you will be able to do without the reference list!
Suggestion on Developing a Research Paper Topic
Having discussed the main features of Chicago style research paper we shall take a look on some interesting research paper topics, and give you a suggestion on how they should be developed. This will be especially helpful for student who may have some harrowing experience writing a research paper assignment, especially who are to write college research paper.
To understand what can be studied in your research paper better, here are some interesting research paper topics to look through:
a. The rate of drug abuse among youth is growing, what is the effect of drug abuse among male and female?
b. What is the role of sports in a nation building? With a special focus on the up coming 2010 fifa world cup taking place in South Africa.
If you love adventure and research writing, developing these topics promises to be captivating. But in order to avoid troubles with poor marks or plagiarism, ProfEssays.com suggests you some important tips on how to do it:
- Read through the topic and make sure you understand what you are requested to do, don’t just jump to writing.
- Next is to compile some research paper questions which will act like a guide. For instance let’s take the number ‘1’ topic, this is how the question will go: a) what is drug abuse? b) what is the legal definition of age designation for youth? c) what does the Constitution say about drug abuse? etc. Continue retrospectively with this line of questions and you will be surprised what you would have covered.
- After this all you have to do is to obtain answers and move to the next line.
- Remember about what the research paper rubrics for the paper are. Find it out before writing.
- What are the research paper formats, and research paper outlines. Learn to use them in your writing. Chicago style research paper includes in references not only the author’s name and publication date, but also specific points concerning the material which is sourced, and these details are indicated in the footnotes
- Look around for some Chicago style research paper sample, use it as a guide, do not plagiarize.