GED Essay Writing Help and GED Essay Topics
General Education for Development is a regulatory board responsible in scoring students that undertook specified assignments for particular reasons: good jobs, higher education, etc. School dropouts, immigrant, or any one who is up to 16 and did not have the privilege of attending high school writes this assignment.
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Things you need to know in using GED essay prompts
The American Council on Education developed the GED test. GED or the General Education Development test is an examination that allows an individual to gain credentials equal to that of a high school diploma. Originally created to help World War II veterans get back to their civilian life after the war , GED tests today have done more than assisting veterans as they have already benefited over 15 million people. This 7 hour test comprises of 5 subject tests which includes: Language Arts for writing, Language Arts for Reading, Social Studies, Science and Mathematics. The section on Language Arts for writing is further divided into two parts.
The first one is composed of 50 items that is focused on sentence structure, organization, and language use. Meanwhile, the second part of the test deals with essay writing where a test taker is given 45 minutes to complete. Usually, the GED essay prompts given during this exam are on generic topics such as drunk driving, pollution and drug abuse. What this part attempts to identify is the ability of a person to applied sentence structure, grammar, word choice and punctuation. For more GED essay help, consult the essay writers of ProfEssays.com. We specializing in providing you the custom essay that you need.
GED essay help: helpful tips in essay writing
Among all the tests included in GED test, the essay writing part is what fears many test takers because of its perceived unpredictability. For any test taker, the limit of 45 minutes seems too little to complete a comprehensive and effective essay. However, with constant practice, writing a GED essay can easily be resolved and soon you would realize that writing any type of essay should not be that hard. We provide you key pointers in making an effective GED essay. Use this GED essay help to help you prepare for that examination. First, read through the GED essay prompts as this will give you an idea on the essay topic you need to discuss.
Next, identify which kind of essay you need compose. Here, you will be able to identify which information you need to include. If you are to write an opinion essay, you need to identify which side would you take and aptly defend it. Meanwhile, if you are to create a compare and contrast essay, you will be required to identify the similarities and differences of the topic. Next, create an essay outline to draft your ideas. From the outline, you can now start writing your essay. Do not forget to edit your essay, as well. For comprehensive help in writing, consult the professionals of ProfEssays.com.
How We Can Help
ProfEsasys.com is a professional custom essay and dissertation writing service provider. The team of our writers consists of high qualified experts from such countries as: US, UK, Canada and Australia. All custom papers we deliver to our clients are 100% written from scratch, fully cited and referenced. We also guarantee that your order will be completed on time.
Writing GED test is very difficult, choosing a topic is most relevant to making it, you can get online custom papers written for you by ProfEssays.com; they write your GED essays from scratch to finish, at a very reasonable price, on time delivery of custom essay, orders are completed within 8 hours and delivered promptly.
GED test consist of fives assignments namely: mathematics, reading, writing, science and social studies, our focus is on the writing aspect, which is most essential for students to do to pass the test, one of the requirements is that students choose interesting research paper topics for themselves after been given a kind of a guideline, a wrong chosen topic could harm ones efforts and destroy the goal of making the GED test, therefore the process very challenging and tortuous, so it requires a good homework.
GRE essay topics: the key to higher education
Those who are eyeing further credentials when education is concerned need to take GRE or a Graduate Record Examination. The GRE is one of the numerous requirements for entry in graduate schools in many English speaking countries including the United States of America. This test is facilitated and created by Educational Testing Services. It measures reasoning and writing skills of test takers and includes four sections: the first part is on writing while the last three is a multiple-choice type of test. The essay writing section primarily assesses the test taker’s analytical skills. it is divided into two sub-sections where two types of essay are required.
GRE Essay Topics:
- “Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways.”
- “Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.”
- “Scandals—whether in politics, academia, or other areas—can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.”
- “Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it.”
The first one is called the Issue task while the other is the Argument task. The former task allows the test taker to choose between two topics and develop an essay within 45 minutes while the latter is given 30 minutes to critique the argument provided. As mentioned here, the GRE essay topics are already provided for. The essays in the GRE test are graded between 0 to 6 with 0.5 increments. To ensure that there is objectivity in grading two to three people examines and grades the essays. For more GED essay help, consult the professionals of ProfEssays.com.
Use sample GED essay prompts to get the second chance in life
The goal is not just to get your GED, but to move beyond. The aim is to become more independent and get better jobs. This quote from Tami Ozegowich gives us an idea on the real purpose of getting a certification on education. More than being the end goal of a person, gaining a GED certification must be seen as the beginning of a good and stable life. Though GED was created to cater to veterans who came back after the Second World War, it has now become an option for those who would like to have another opportunity in putting their back to life together.
GED Essay Sample
With the promise of a new life and a good future, preparing for the GED must be taken seriously. Going through sample GED test examinations and revisiting what’s left in your high school notes would be a good idea, as well. For the essay writing section of the examination, you can seek online GED essay help by looking for sample GED essay prompts. From these GED essay prompts, you can be able practice writing an essay. ProfEssays.com provides you more professional essay help with the assistance of our professional essay writers.
How to Pick Up a Good Topic
- First read the essay topic prompt given to you by GED, read it and make sure you understand what is expected of you.
- Write a thesis statement, giving a summarized essay, depicting how your writing will look like.
- Next is conduct a research on what you will like to write, and to prove..
- Choose a essay topic that will require you to analyze, compare, research, validate, describe etc. writing about yourself, is not a bad idea, just think about something will intrigue the reader.
- Draft essay outline, this will be your compass, a guideline that will direct you in your write up.
- Introduce your topic, list what you want to write about, be careful to provoke reader’s interest, and don’t give too many details.
- Another point is to learn and know your punctuations; this is a device that is underused in essay writing.
- Write your conclusion, affirm your position, and make it clear to your readers.
- Check your spellings, and grammar.
- Read through your work, and correct mistakes.
The test comprises of two parts; multiple choice question, and essay writing section, which takes 45mins, so in other to score well write more eligibly, write only on chosen topic, read instructions carefully and follow it to the later. Remember the markers base your test on targeted point, good organization, punctuation, constructions, sentence build up, etc. If this writing is hard for you to cope with, use ProfEssays.com, or obtain a custom research paper online from them, their customer care is open 24 hours to attend to your inquiries.
Passing GED test is very important to forge ahead and make progress, for some it is a second chance to make something good out of their life. Check out our sample essay papers, you can download them for free.
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