Lesson 17: Conjunctive Adverbs
In this section, we will be discussing conjunctive adverbs and how they’re used in a sentence.
- To define conjunctive adverbs
- To enumerate the different ways in which conjunctive adverbs are used
- To demonstrate how conjunctive adverbs are used in a sentence
Conjunctive adverbs
Conjunctive adverbs are words or phrases that join two independent clauses together to form a single statement.
An independent clause is a part of a sentence that can stand alone. For example, in the sentence I am happy even if I don’t get to eat, I am happy is an independent clause. Even if I don’t get to eat is a dependent clause because it doesn’t make sense without the first half of the sentence.
[WpProQuiz 146]
A conjunctive adverb can be used in two ways: in the middle of a sentence or at the beginning of one. When used in the middle of a sentence, the conjunctive adverb is preceded by a semi-colon (;) and followed by a coma (,). When used at the beginning of a sentence, it is followed by a coma (,).
Some most commonly used conjunctive adverbs are accordingly, also, besides, consequently, finally, however, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, nevertheless, next, otherwise, still, therefore and then. Outlined below are a couple of examples of how conjunctive adverbs are used in a sentence.
1. In the middle of a sentence
Their family was on the losing side of the revolution; consequently, they ended up considerably poorer as adults than they had been as children.
She wasn’t a very good student; however, she was very good at painting and her talent made up for her bad grades.
He didn’t have any experience selling axes; still, he knew that it was the only way he could make a living.
The storm was terrible; moreover, the house beside us was hit by lightning.
The war was over; finally, he would be able to go home.
Life was simpler in the 50s; then, all people had to worry about was getting a job.
[WpProQuiz 147]
2. At the beginning of a sentence
Although I didn’t like him initially, I’ve found that he’s actually a pretty nice guy.
Therefore, we can conclude based on the evidence that excessive carbon dioxide is bad for the environment.
Instead of feeling good about getting the award, Jenny ended up feeling bad about winning instead of her best friend.
In this lesson, we were able to talk about conjunctive adverbs or words and phrases that connect two independent clauses. We were able to outline when they should be used and what benefits can come from connecting two independent statements. We were also able to look at different examples of conjunctive adverbs—both used at the beginning of a sentence and at the middle of it.
[WpProQuiz 148]
Our next lesson is going to be about articles. We’ll be talking about the different types of articles (definite and indefinite) and how they’re used when forming sentences. We will also be looking at different sentences which use articles.