Essay Paper on International Business Environment
Upon delivery of the specified products and services, the reputation of the company in question is at stake with regard to their ability to deliver the promise to the satisfaction of the customer. Specific characteristics which could also affect the nature of the market:
- The project specifications often differ with respect to the degree of knowledge between the customer and supplier. This means that the project specifications will depend upon the resources and revenue of the buyer.
- The specifications include tangibles (e.g. products) and intangibles (e.g. installation skills).
- Only some of the parts of the project specifications may be standardized, implying that there could be the need for customization.
- The level of customization varies from project to project.
- The project specifications could involve partnership alliances.
The interaction that takes places between the customer and the supplier during the delivery of the specified product and service could be spoken of as globalization as well as exports in this assignment, as globalization is the production and distribution of products and services of a homogeneous type and quality on a worldwide basis and exports are the goods and services produced in one country and then sent to another country.
In this assignment, I will focus on the activities of Porter’s Competitive Advantage Model, the political system changes, the new competition and Strategic Partnerships within the access flooring industry. The globalization efforts of the access flooring industry are viewed as efforts to progress and establish integrity in the world market.
What is a background for international business today? The access flooring industry developed from computer room applications. The massive amount of cooling and air conditioning required by main frame computers created the need for a modular flooring system. This system could allow for conditioned air delivery under the equipment, support heavy equipment and provide easy access to the electrical services required.
The use of main frame computers in massive data centers by government agencies, financial institutions, insurance companies, telephone companies remain a substantial portion of the market. Due to growth in technology and the reduction in the size of computers, the need for access floors has increased in offices rather than in computer rooms. The trend is sure to prove that access floors will be used in every office in the future.
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