Essay Paper on Shakespeare
Shakespeare is one of those poets who are considered to be extremely meaningful in everything he creates. His profoundness and insightfulness are obvious in all his works, especially sonnets. In fact, in sonnets, which are not very long, the mastery of the author is revealed to the fullest extent, for only the very talented and intelligent person can add deep meaning to the several phrases, making the ordinary poem a true masterpiece. One of such masterpieces is, certainly, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 121.
The sonnet 121 might be considered as a confession or declaration to some extent. Certain rhythms show the sign of defense in the words of the author, as the latter is trying to prove that he is right, not the others, and thus he is not going to follow the established opinion of the masses. Yet, though the sonnet was written centuries ago, it proclaims the universal values – honesty, self-esteem and self-perception. In 14 phrases Shakespeare managed to put his own ideology, which is based on the rejection of hypocrisy and the adherence to honesty and harmony first of all inside oneself.
The author wants to show that it is not important what others think, as they tend to be often mistaken and they are not as sinless as they want to be. “ For why should others false adulterate eyes / Give salutation to my sportive blood”. Thus, Shakespeare indicates the imperfection of people’s character. Their eyes are false, not sincere. They might tell one thing, might flatter and say how good you are. However, eyes never lie. They always reveal the essence of the person, and this essence oftentimes turns to be evil.
The structure of the Sonnet is very particular. The entire work is virtually divided in two parts. In the first part Shakespeare poses a rythoric question as to what right do others have to judge him, if they are not so righteous as proclaim. There is one 6 line sentence-question, which is immediately followed by another question of 2 lines: “Or on my frailties why are frailer spies / Which in their wills count bad what I think good”. This is kind of a transition phrase that helps us to approach the second part of the Sonnet.
This second part can be considered as an explanatory one. Here, the other states that he is not going to obey and agree with other who are those “spies”. He is not intended to be conformist and follow under general perception. “No, I am that I am”, exclaims Shakespeare, firmly rejecting the idea of being the one others want him to be. In fact, the readers might notice in this phrase the analogy with Biblical one, when God pronounces it to Moses.
Yet, the most important meaning that Shakespeare is trying to transmit is that he is a personality and he has his own vies and perceptions. Why should he blindly agree with everything someone insists on, if he has opposite or different thoughts? The very important message that the author sends is that we ought to be ourselves; we ought o be what we are and who we are. Otherwise, we take the hazard of getting lost in this life under the false guidance and flattering references from the others. The deeper meaning, in my opinion, is also that person should rely mostly upon himself.
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