Essay Paper on Jim and Huck
The outcast characteristics are found in Jim. Jim is the outcast because in the 1800’s, black men were bought and sold as slaves. Jim was mistreated while Huck was treated like a prince. Jim was thought to be a murderer, so he had to be very careful about who saw him and whom he talked to. Jim was a runaway slave. Had anyone found him while he was with Huck, he could have been captured and taken in as a slave again.
The devil character is portrayed in Huck’s drunken father, Pap. Pap is very selfish and narcissistic. He kidnaps his son for $600, knowing he could only get the 600 dollars when Huck died. Huck is very much afraid of his father, which suggests even more that Pap represents the devil model, since most people fear the devil. Everyone in Huck’s town knows his Pap; he is sort of infamous around town, just like the devil.
The father-son conflict is represented in Huck’s relationship with his father. It is actually very sad because Huck obviously wishes that he had a good father figure in his life. However, Huck’s father is very rarely around, and when Pap is in town, it is generally in a drunken stupor. Pap does not appear at all interested in being a father to his son; he is much more interested in what he can get out of Huck, and what Huck can do for him.
The journey variation is also very well represented in Huck Finn. The journey variation archetype in general suggests that the travelers are of different social status, which is very much the case in this film. Jim is a slave, and “below” other men, while Huck is the adventurer, a hero, and being raised by women of great power and money in his hometown. On this journey, Huck is searching for justice for his companion Jim. By achieving this justice in the end, Huck has completed his mission and is rewarded with gold that he helped retrieve.
In conclusion, the book was fairly good. To be honest it didn’t tickle my fancy too much, but I know that there are people who would absolutely love it. This book showed various different types of characteristics throughout the different characters in Twain’s story such as the hero, the outcast, the devil, the father-son conflict and the journey variation. I suggest reading this book if you are into a good adventure novel.
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