Essay Paper on HRD Process Model
While organizations grow and strengthen in their field of work, they undergo through several stages of development. Human resource components are characterized as having four stages of development, which will be described below.
The first stage of HRD process model is the beginning one. There is no HR management budget allocated and no management staff charged with responsibility for respective functions. The stage is also characterized by lack of formal mission, annual plan, collected employee data etc. – in short, there is no tangible basis whatsoever for human resource activities. This stage also coincides with the primary stage of general organizational development.
During the second stage some information and resources have already been collected but they are still rather chaotic. Various systems pertaining to HR, such as those of job classification, compensation and benefits, recruitment, hiring, transfer and promotion, already exist; however, they are not followed at all or not followed as a part of routine.
The third stage of HRD process model sees all model components in place and working but with some reservations. Procedures and standards may not always be implemented in a consistent manner, not all HR mechanisms launched work to the utmost of their capacity.
The fourth stage is the final one and characterized by not only full-fledged work of all systems and components but by their interaction and new ways of using their functions, e.g. compensation and benefits system does not only work in its usual way but also determines salary upgrades and merit awards.
Summing it up, I should say that HRD process model works in direct dependence on organizational development model, and its stages reflect the phases of the company’s formation and growth…
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