Essay Title Page
There are no unimportant things in essay writing. Every aspect and every minor detail matters. This also concerns essay title page. It is possible to say that the title page is a “face” of a student. Very often professors do not like it when essay title page contains mistakes. If a student fails to avoid mistakes in a title page, what should one expect from the essay itself? But nevertheless, there are many students who do not pay due attention to essay title page. They regret it since usually grades are lowered if the essay title page contains mistakes.
Thus it is better to spend some time on-line and to study requirements to essay title page than to get a lower grade later. Normally, essay front page contains essay topic, author’s name, as well as name of professor/evaluator or a course. It should also have the date and name of the class. Sure, requirements may differ from college to college, but having sample front page examples will help you avoid making mistakes.
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- Title Pages for Essay Papers
- College Essay Title Page
- Essay Title Page Template
- Thesis Title Page
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- Essay Cover Page
- Essay Abstract
- Essay Works Cited Page
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Title Pages for Essay Papers
Though content and substance should remain the main concern in any type of essay, a sufficient amount of attention should also be given in the details included on the essay’s cover page. There are not so many requirements, but they may differ depending on essay’s reference style. So, before sitting down to work you have to check for reference style requirements or personal instructions from your professor or evaluator.
Professors usually give guidelines in writing the title page. However, if your professor fails to do so, you may follow the guidelines set by any academic style guides such as MLA (Modern Language Association of America) or APA (American Psychological Association). The MLA style is commonly used in providing guidelines for papers on Humanities while APA is used for Social Sciences. Other styles are also available depending on the essay topic or research paper format set by your professor. Regardless of the nature of the essay, ProfEssays.com has compiled the key elements that should be included in any title page:
- Academic Affiliation, and if possible the department where the paper is due
- Title of the paper
- Author name
- Name of the class
- Professor’s name
- Date when the paper is due
For more details on APA an MLA format title page requirements, read our cover page guidelines.
You also need to check whether you need title page at all. As a rule title page is not required for personal essays. But even then, the first page should contain certain elements of the standard title page, such as the tittle of the essay and the student’s name. In Chicago/Turabian format the title is centered, and the author name is written underneath at the right. If the paper needs to be done in MLA format, the title page is usually not required, if not mentioned otherwise. In this case all the relevant information about the author, the course, and the professor’s name and the due date should be presented in left side corner of the first page.
“Don’t judge the book by its cover.” It is a cliché that is taken at a literal level when it comes to essay-writing. Sadly, not all professors are generous to even consider this saying when going through a student’s paper. Sometimes, the essay title page is a key component to the impression made by an academic paper. Moreover, this is the take-off point of any written piece, on whether it would be given an adequate attention, or not. ProfEssays.com provides a simple solution in making your essay title page effective.
College Essay Title Page
College professors do not tolerate any mistakes in essays, including title pages. So, any college student must make sure the essay contains the topic, student’s name, course name and date. You have to make your essay topic detailed enough to give your readers an idea about your essay, but not too long. There should be some intrigue in the essay topic written on the title page, so the professor feels compelled to read on. College essay title page can tell much about student himself as mistakes in title page are considered to be the signs of light-mindedness. Unless otherwise specified, there are strict requirements to college essay title page format (like font, spaces, margins etc.) Title page can tell much about how serious you are in your studies.
Essay Title Page Template
If you’re a doubting on how to make a good front page, you should definitely get essay title page template. Such templates can be found on-line. Just visit web sites devoted to essay writing as ProfEssays.com and download samples for free. If you get such a template, all you need to do is just to write down information on essay topic, author and the course. So, you don’t have to worry about choice of the font, and you’ll have no problems when choosing text location on the page.
Thesis Title Page
It is not a secret that thesis is one of the most important research papers in a person’s academic life. People spend years to gather information and prepare a persuasive thesis. Needless to say, every minor detail matters, and thesis title page is not an exception. Basically, you have to state the same information on a thesis title page as on essay cover page. This page should have such compulsory elements as topic, author and date. Very often it is necessary to write university name and names of evaluators. The format of your thesis cover page for Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD thesis also has some peculiarities. First of all, there should be stated that it is submitted “in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree”. Besides, at the bottom of thesis cover page the year of submission should be stated instead of the due date. Writing of a nice thesis title page is not difficult, however, there are many students who forget about it as they focus on the research paper itself.
How Can We Help?
Our company does not only provide simple solutions in creating an effective essay title page. We also provide a whole range of solution for all your concerns in essay writing. From answering questions like “What is an essay?” to request on “Can you write my essay?”, ProfEssays.com offers an answer to all of your needs.
We have a lot of certified and academic writers who are ready to write any paper, in accordance to your individual requirements. Our writers are fully experienced to provide you with a customized essay that is written according to your personal requirement. We highly support copyright laws, and even use anti-plagiarism software to ensure that all papers released by the company are original.
We guarantee customer satisfaction, not only by producing quality custom essays made exclusively for a specific client but also by providing a customer support team that will answer any query 24/7. Our round-the-clock customer service team will readily address any of your needs when you need them.
ProfEssays.com understands your security concerns, and that’s why we have employed a payment-processing company which has been the leader in facilitating secure internet processing transactions. Our reasonable prices even allow our customers to have the paper revised without a fee, if they find their paper doesn’t meet their requirements. Our professional writers produce the paper on time and can even complete an order within 8 hours, in case of an emergency. Furthermore, we ensure that all customers are assured of 100% confidentiality.
Essay Cover Page
Students should know that essay cover page is synonymous with title page. So, the requirements to essay cover page are the same. Make sure you state essay topic which has to be laconic but still informative. Do not forget about your name, name of the course and your professor or evaluator. Date is usually written in the bottom of the page. If you have any doubts and questions you can consult essay writing companies, asking for free samples of essay cover pages which will help you in your work.
Essay Abstract
Sometimes students are required to write essay abstract to introduce the topic. Essay abstract is sort of a summary, but it has own format. Of course, you shouldn’t tell everything about your essay because it becomes uninteresting for a reader. You have to get readers interested. As a rule, you have to explain why you chose a particular topic, what methods you will use to investigate it and what results you’re expecting.
Essay Works Cited page
Every essay should have a list of materials used in the text. Format of essay works cited page depends on reference style of the essay. Thus, different reference styles like Chicago, Harvard, MLA or APA have different requirements to reference list. So, before writing down books, magazines, studies and newspapers you have used in your paper check for reference format requirements. As said above, if you have any doubts consult specialists in custom essay writing who will help you out.
Note:ProfEssays.com is an outstanding custom writing company. We have over 500 expert writers with PhD and Masters level educations who are all ready to fulfill your writing needs, regardless of the academic level or research topic. Just imagine, you place the order before you go to sleep and in the morning an excellent, 100% unique essay! or term paper, written in strict accordance with your instructions by a professional writer is already in your e-mail box! We understand the pressure students are under to achieve high academic goals and we are ready help you because we love writing. By choosing us as your partner, you can achieve more academically and gain valuable time for your other interests. Place your order now!”