Application Essay Writing Help
In today’s society, application essays can mean the difference between acceptance and rejection. Applicants need to stand out from their competitors and utilize all their resources, which include application essays. Application essays act as personal statements and are used for different purposes. For example, a college application essay, also known as an undergraduate application essay or an university application essay, shows which high school students are ready for higher academic learning. Meanwhile, a graduate application essay demonstrates a college graduate’s capacity for post-college coursework. Although the undergraduate application essay is a popular essay type, there are different types. Other types of essays, range from the scholarship application essay to the job application essay. A scholarship application essay helps students obtain money towards school, while a job application essay allows potential employers to select the best job applicants. Without a powerful application essay, many colleges, graduate schools, military programs, and employers reject otherwise qualified applicants. Applicants who want to get into the best school, program or work environment must have a well-written application essay.
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- Application Essay Writing Tips
- Your Application Essay Format
- Best Topics for Your Application Essay
- How Can We Help
- Some Common Mistakes to Avoid
Application Essay Writing Tips
Before writing an essay, applicants must decide on a topic. The people who review essays seek applicants who stand out. Some essay reviewers see hundreds of applications weekly. Serious applicants take the time to prepare their essays. Application essay topics should address the applicant’s goals. For example, a law school essay can highlight why an applicant wants to become a corporate lawyer not just a general lawyer. Applicants can explain how meeting a corporate lawyer changed their lives. Some essays use a list of application essay questions. Applicants should use descriptive sentences. The answers to the application essay questions must capture the reviewer’s attention. If a single question is used, design an essay outline and prepare rough drafts. Use easy-to-understand words and make sure the sentences flow. When the rough drafts are satisfactory, proceed to a final draft. Once the application essay is complete, a final proofreading must take place. Proofreading ensures the grammar, sentence structure and tone appeals to the essay reviewers. Applicants who invest in a final proofreading gain an advantage over their competition.
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Your Application Essay Format
When applicants complete essays, they use an essay format or reference style. Reference style indicates how an essay should be written, ranging from its title to content to its footnotes. Generally, an application essay has a title, contents and references. Essays are printed on one-side of a paper. Applicants use different essay formats. The Modern Language Association essay format, also known as MLA essay format, works well with liberal arts papers. The format uses
- 12-inch fonts,
- italicized or bold headings, and
- one-inch margins along its page borders.
The American Psychological Association essay format, also known as APA essay format, works with academic papers, such as social sciences. The format includes
- a title page,
- one-inch page margins and
- first-line of each paragraph has indentations.
The Harvard essay format sets itself apart with varied quotation format, ranging from author-date to author-page. Another difference involves the abbreviation pp for page reference.
The Chicago style essay format works for college students who create different essay types. The format uses
- capitalized Roman numerals for page chapters,
- single-spaced block quotes and single-spaced footnotes.
Applicants who are unfamiliar with reference style can review a sample application essay. Speak with a librarian for assistance. The format used for a narrative essay can be different for one used with a graduate essay.
Best Topics for Your Application Essay
Choosing the topic for your application wisely. The people who review application essays are taught to look for useful, promising applicants. Any topic must maintain the reader’s focus from start to finish. Topics must be broad enough to allow for well-written information, but narrow enough to showcase the applicant. For instance, the college application essay may include a high school academic background, highlighting courses completed. Applicants should not add specific grades. The high school transcript provides this data. Other popular topics range from school sports to family experiences. For the job application format, use prior work experience and future work goals. Employers seek applicants with well-rounded educations, employment histories and work-related accomplishments. Make sure the information is accurate. Some employers disqualify applicants who lie. Advanced education application essay topics can focus on the individual with meet unexpected challenges, which includes surviving an accident. These essay topics help individuals focus on the self and shows essay reviewers how the individual grew. If you share a personal challenge story, be prepared to answer follow-up questions in a face-to-face interview.
How We Can Help
Creating well-researched, well-written custom essay papers causes a unique set of challenges for some applicants. Some applicants need help with their topic selections, while other applicants have full-time work schedules. If you feel apprehensive about writing your custom essay, select a professional writing service with years of experience. ProfEssays.com offers peace-of-mind to applicants who lack the time, skills or interest for creating essays. We offer an array of benefits, such as customer support.
Our customer support is available to answer questions with extended telephone hours. ProfEssays.com uses secure internet transactions for all of your credit card data. We believe in protecting our customers. Moreover, we ensure that all our clients receive 100% confidentiality for their custom essay orders. Feel free to order custom essays at affordable rates. ProfEssays.com is the obvious choice to meet your custom writing needs. Visit our website for more information on how we differ from our competitors and can help with your custom essay today.
Some Common Mistakes to Avoid
A good application essay stands out, while a poor application essay is forgotten. Applicants can avoid common mistakes when writing their essays.
Dwelling on one’s weaknesses is a common mistake. No one is perfect. However, it is critical to emphasize the good qualities not the bad. For instance, a medical school applicant should discuss the ability to work well with others and excel in advance science courses. Avoid mentioning the fear of blood or the dislike of hospitals.
Dishonesty is another mistake. Today’s environment is competitive. Colleges, programs and employers want the best and the brightest. Applicants must be honest about what they include in their essays. Background checks can lead to school expulsions and firings. Sloppy application essays can turn off readers. Applicants only get one chance to show their talents.
Make sure to choose wise topics, create outlines, use the correct essay format and proofread.
Tags: APA essay format, application essay, custom essay papers, essay format, essay topics, essay types, essay writing format, MLA essay format