How to Write an Essay on Drunk Driving
Custom Written Essays on Drunk Driving
When writing on drunk driving there can be no various opinions and evaluations. Drunk driving is forbidden. Drunk driving is a crime. If you drank alcohol and got in your car to drive you are a criminal. Drunk driving essays are quite popular especially among legal students. In this essay types, you are required to prove that driving under alcohol influence is dangerous and thus forbidden. Essays on drunk driving are in most cases analytical essays in which you have to investigate the problem and leap to certain conclusions. These essay types have traditional structure and requirements as to reference style, outline and contents.
Drunk Driving Essay Page Navigation
- Sample of Essay on Drunk Driving
- How Can We Help
- Alcohol and Drunk Driving
- Cause and Effect Essay on Drunk Driving
- Law Essay on Drunk Driving
- Comparison Essay on Drunk Driving
- Sources for Drinking and Driving Papers
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Drunk Driving Essay Sample (Click the Image to Enlarge)
Sample of Essay on Drunk Driving
If you are writing an essay on drunk driving for the first time you might have certain problems. Indeed, you cannot just write “drunk driving is not good”. You have to support every statement with facts and figures. So, you definitely need a sample of essay on drunk driving. By reviewing such a sample you can learn much valuable information on essay structure, contents, requirements as to format etc. But what is more important, you will have a look at sources of information on drunk driving. It is always good to use statistic information to prove that many car accidents are due to DUI (driving under influence). You can also investigate some cases studies and accidents happened in your city or neighborhood.
An essay on drunk driving may tackle the effects of alcohol on the drivers mental and physical alertness. It could also be a dissertation on the legal aspects of drunken driving; the degree of culpability of the driver, penalties imposed for drunken driving. In the United States and Canada, a great percentage of motor vehicle casualties and fatalities are due to drunken driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol laws (DUI) not only cover land but also air transport. Pilots may also be culpable of drunken driving. If you want to write an essay on drunk driving, the literary archives of ProfEssays.com contain analysis essays, narrative essays and any type of essay on this subject.
Here are some issues that you could discuss in your essay on drunk driving courtesy of ProfEssays.com:
1. A person can be guilty of drunk driving even if technically he isn’t drunk. Being drunk is normally defined as a state when the person can’t even walk straight anymore. However, impairment of the senses to a degree that constitutes criminal driving may come before the person gets drunk.
2. If you are caught and convicted of drunk driving, regardless of whether you have an alcohol problem or not, it is assumed that you do. Treatment for alcoholism and the corresponding education will be required before your license to drive will be approved.
3. If you have company who is drunk but doesn’t know or won’t admit it, you may either refuse to ride with him, force him to give you his car keys and drive him home or call a cab and prop him into it.
4. Along the same line, if you are giving a party, make sure you confiscate all car keys when the guests come in. Don’t allow anyone who is not sober to get back his keys, drive him home yourself or put him in a cab.
5. Drunken driving conviction normally increases what you have to pay for car insurance.
If no one in your family or circle of friends drinks alcohol, you are blessed. However, you may have difficulty writing an essay on drunk driving. To get all the legalities about this essay topic, you need to consult experts in law. The writers of ProfEssays.com are all masters and doctorate degree holders in all fields of learning, including law-related disciplines. They will be your best resource for an essay on drunk driving. You will only pay reasonable rates for their faithful attention and exceptional services.
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Alcohol and Drunk Driving
Alcohol makes people inadequate. Well, there is nothing wrong with sipping beer with friends in a bar or having several tequila shots at a party, as long as you do not turn violent or anti-social. Alcohol helps relax. In some cases moderate alcohol consumption even good for our bodies. Sometimes we can see people saying: “So what! I had 3 beers and I can drive now. I am OK!” Well, he or he is not. Alcohol makes reaction slower, and we know that every second matters if you drive a car at 60 mph. Alcohol and drunk driving are very pressing issues these days, especially in the US, where almost everyone owns a vehicle. That is why drunk driving essays are quite popular in colleges and schools. They raise student’s awareness of this acute problem.
Cause and Effect Essay on Drunk Driving
Cause and effect essays are very popular essay types. In such essays issues are analyzed within the context of their influence to other issues or events. In case of drunk driving everything is clear. A cause and effect essay on drunk driving focuses on consequences of DUI. These consequences are very well known – accidents, injuries, losses and damages and unfortunately lost lives. Three beers or 3 shots of vodka may cost you life. But this is half of the problem. You can kill someone in a car accident. So, in cause and effect essays you analyze all consequences of drunk driving. You can use some case studies and description of huge car accidents involving DUI.
Law Essay on Drunk Driving
Almost every student has to write a law essay on drunk driving at least one during years of studies. This essay types contains legal definition of drunk driving and reasons why driving under influence is forbidden. This essay type should be written in a very strict language, full of legal terms and definitions. As a rule, no personal opinion is welcome in law essay on drunk driving. If you express your own thoughts you have to support them with facts and expert opinions, otherwise your personal opinion will conflict with the essay contents.
Comparison Essay on Drunk Driving
A comparison essay on drunk driving may contrast legal system of two countries, in one of which certain alcohol consumption is allowed, and in the other one DUI is forbidden. Of course, you will not find a country in which you can drive dead drunk. By the way, there are different punishments. In some countries, second DUI leads to execution. But in most cases these are fines, short and long prison terms. In a comparison essay you can contrast countries and legal systems, as well as their attitude to drunk driving.
Sources for Drinking and Driving Papers
Police and news reports are known as the best sources for drinking and driving papers. You can also study legislative acts and statistic information. It will be very helpful if you present up to date stats on number of car accidents involving DUI. As already said, police reports can serve as a very informative source. Every your statement supported by a fact or figure will look even more persuasive. Ask your local police department for to share information on DUI cases. Very often such info is published at web sites and is free to use. You can also study history of legal debates on drunk driving and list some of lawsuits on this issue.