Good Research Paper Topics
What makes a Good Topic for a Research Paper?
So you’ve been given your briefing for a research paper, and now you have to select what you’re going to write about. A good idea when trying to deliberate a good research paper topic is to have a brainstorming session, and write down all your possible ideas.
Once this is done you can take some time to narrow down your thoughts, and come up with the perfect topic for your research paper.
Quick Navigation through the Research Paper Topics Page
- What makes a Good Topic for a Research Paper?
- Download Free List of History Research Paper Topics
- Ideas for Research Paper Topics
- How Can We Help
- Tips on Choosing a Good Research Paper Topic
- How does Research Paper Writing Differ from Essay Writing?
Download Free List of History Research Paper Topics
List of Good Research Paper Topics
This can be done by taking the following into consideration:
- Is the topic appropriate?
Is it relevant to the subject you’ve been asked to research? For instance, if your assignment is to do with the ‘for and against’ of foxhunting, then choosing to write about the breeding cycle of foxes would not be appropriate.
- Is the topic strong enough?
Can you find a decent amount of information to write about? It’s all very well picking a subject but there needs to be enough ‘meat’ available for you to research and include in your research paper.
- Is the topic precise enough?
While you need to find something with enough subject matter, you don’t want to pick a topic that’s so vast that you can’t cover the essential elements necessary.
- Is the topic interesting enough?
Ask yourself how much has been written on that particular topic. Some subjects are so common that you’ll struggle to find anything original to put into your paper, thus making it just a carbon copy of all the other hundreds of thousands that have already been produced.
It’s up to you to choose a subject that’s interesting and will compel the reader to continue reading. Let’s take a look at some novel ideas for good research paper topics.
Ideas for Research Paper Topics
When looking for an interesting research paper topic you should try to be as innovative as you can. Think of something controversial, and try to build your idea around that. The following are some examples:
- Those who smoke should pay a health tax
- The media and magazines give the wrong messages to impressionable young women
- The right to own a gun should be removed from the US constitution
- Single sex colleges provide a better education for pupils
- Abortion is a decision for the mother alone to make
- The terminally ill should be able to choose where and when to die
- Fast food restaurants are NOT the reason for modern day obesity
These examples should give you an idea as to the kind of thing that makes a good research paper topic.
How Can We Help
We understand that sometimes managing to come up with the perfect research paper topic isn’t always that easy. And you might well come up with the perfect idea, but that on occasion life gets on top of you and the next thing you know your paper’s due to be handed in.
If that familiar sinking feeling as the due date approaches is something you know only too well, then don’t panic! Because we can provide you with the perfect research paper essay that is guaranteed to get you a great grade. We’ve got talented, professional writers on hand who are experts in writing on pretty much every subject under the sun. So if you need to get writing help with your research paper then you’ve come to the right place.
And if you’ve left it to the last minute then we can still provide – as we offer an emergency service that means we can have your paper written up and returned to you within an astonishing eight hours. That’s the beauty of having a professional writer complete your work.
So rather than panicking as the deadline draws closer, get in touch with us and order your research paper now.
Tips on Choosing a Good Research Paper Topic
One of the very best pieces of advice is to choose to write your research paper on a topic that you’re familiar with. Whether it’s something that you’ve studied in the past or something that you have a personal interest in, writing about something you know makes the task a great deal easier.
Try to think in terms of your target audience. If you were to pick up the paper would you continue to read it past the first paragraph? The whole idea of any paper is that it grabs you right from the beginning and compels you to continue reading all the way to the end.
Don’t underestimate how long it will take you to complete your research paper. It is far preferable to select a topic that focuses on a particular area, rather than spread yourself and your time too thinly and try to cover a vast area. Less is definitely more, when it comes to selecting the topic for your research paper.
Break the mold! Don’t copy what others have done over and over in the past. Your target audience will be far more likely to be captivated by your topic if it’s fresh and new. Let your imagination run wild, and see what you can come up with!
Try to base your paper around research that you enjoy. If you hate researching in books then pick a subject that uses other resources. Your enthusiasm, (or lack of it), will come across in your writing, and determine whether your reader enjoys the paper or gives up reading halfway through.
How does Research Paper Writing Differ from Essay Writing?
Writing a research paper on a particular topic is rather different from a regular essay. Essays are built around personal ideas – research papers are all to do with proven facts.
A research paper will take up a lot more of your time, and the structure is very different. An essay is built around the original thesis that you discuss and support in your writing. A research paper, no matter what the topic, is far more structured in its outline and will include a whole host of different supporting for your argument.