Descriptive Essay
Know How to Write Descriptive Essays
Imagine you have got an assignment of writing a good descriptive essay. You feel happy since you think that this is the easiest assignment you could possibly get. Well, this is partially true. Descriptive essays are perhaps the easiest to write. Besides, very often students can choose any topic they like. Your descriptive essays may concern a person, event, fact, issues etc. But the fun part ends here. A descriptive essay must be written in such a way so that readers actually feel as if they participated in a certain event or talked to a person you have written about.
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- Writing a Descriptive Essay
- Love Descriptive Essay
- Descriptive Dssay My Best Friend
- Descriptive Essay About Mother
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Descriptive Essay Examples
If you do not know anything about descriptive essays you should certainly look for descriptive essay examples, which you can find online, as well as at Professays.com. Why should you look for such examples? Those students with little writing experience can be somewhat puzzled by a descriptive essay. Thus, an essay example will offer much valuable information, regarding both essay form and contents. The first thing you can learn is descriptive essay topics. Then you can pay attention to essay structure and outline. There are also special words and word combination used in descriptive essays. You will learn how to write an introduction and conclusion, as well as how to compose a persuasive essay body.
A descriptive essay may be considered one of the simplest although deeply involving essays. It seems that there is nothing easier than writing a description, whether it be a description of a person, an event, a feeling, a thing, or an experience. However at times descriptions may be rather difficult to develop, especially for those writers who have problems with imagination or formulation of their thoughts. A descriptive essay is designed to offer readers involving and vibrant experiences and it has to achieve this goal with the help of observations and expression of feelings and memories but not through simple description of facts.
The topic for a descriptive essay may be any, connected with any field or aspect of people’s life, activity, or experience. But while the theme offered or chosen may be simple it is possible to use imagination and contemplate it from an unusual angle. Associations may help in such cases, and unconventional thoughts may allow creation of a very original paper. The theme is to be as narrow as possible – thus the writer will have a possibility of focusing on its detailed and accurate description.
Descriptive Essays
The structure of such an essay is similar to many others – it should include an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. However there are certain peculiarities which set a descriptive essay apart from other types of written papers. In the introduction there usually is a presentation of the topic of discussion, and here the description evolves from general concepts/feelings/experiences/memories to more specific ones. The main body will include the exact background and a description of the topic the writer wants to discuss.
In the process of developing such an essay it is vital to add as many details as possible, to try and express the slightest shades of feelings and emotions – such being the case readers will have a chance to feel the same and see the situation through the eyes of the writer. In the conclusion the description is to be summarized and driven to the logical end in order for readers to see the point of the description.
Descriptive essays are not hard to write, but producing one that has all the perfect edges is a task very few can master, besides ProfEssays.com. If your essay has been purchased here, do not shudder with sheer ignorance when somebody questions you about such essays. Here, the aim is to not just provide you with essays that approach the zone of excellence, but to also equip you with a few skills. Firstly, study the essay you have bought for patterns, expressions, and style. This analytical study will inevitably teach you invaluable lessons and techniques. Once you are through with the style, penning factual descriptions will seem like an entertaining creative task. The pleasure that can be derived from sitting down and writing about all that falls in your observations is simply overwhelming. Often, you will have a good enough reason to want to jot down your reflections, even if for simple creative play. Realising this reason will ultimately strengthen your language and imbue it with colourful expressions.
Sometimes, if you are too fastidious about your descriptive essay mirroring your perspectives, you may want to individualize your purchased essay with personalized expressions, which is a very positive indication of the interest you take in your work. ProfEssay.com boasts of a staff of well-educated and qualified writers whose work is virtually always compliant of writing styles even if concocted in limited time. Ergo, when you alter or introduce ideas, make sure you do not tamper with the professionalism, the style or the technique adopted. Working haphazardly will mar your presentation and grades. So a quick pointer: a factual description must always:
- center around an object, place, or person without wandering to remotely related aspects; focus on the most significant characteristics rather than throwing in a disarray of all characteristics that are vaguely described;
- show instead of state; for instance, stating, “the champagne rendered my head throbbing slightly”, is in no way better than a brief elaboration that is something more or less like “ a few glasses of the champagne caused my head to loll back, my temples to tauten, and my eyes to feel pounds heavier”;
- focus on the five primary senses, viz. sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound, and the sixth sense of instincts, because dependence on these senses will enable you to reach out to your readers more efficiently with vivid and expressive details;
- clearly state in the final paragraph the overall impression the object of analysis has on you.
Finally, draft, read, re-read, and revise your research paper for glitches; make sure it is coherently written in paragraphs with a gradual progression of ideas, rather than in a confusing hotchpotch with ideas scattered.
At the end of the day, you will clearly have a gleaming top-notch descriptive essay. You will invariably feel thoroughly satisfied and an iota more educated, the iota as precious as a grail of gold from an Egyptian tomb; you’ll be glad to have done business with ProfEssay.com, the franchise that respects customer privacy, and creates articles from scratch in strict accordance with customers’ needs. Also read more on the following topics: narrative essays, interesting essay topics and illustration essays.
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Descriptive Essay Topics
If you are given complete freedom in choosing descriptive essay topics, you are a lucky student since you can write on anything you want. Do you want to write about your friend? Fine! Do you want to describe your father or girlfriend? No problems with that! Have you participated in an interesting event? Did you hang out at a theme party? These are very good descriptive essay topics! But a good choice of a topic does not guarantee success. You have to write very good texts so that readers have the feeling that they already know the person you are writing about or the event you have participated in. You should use special words and compose your essay in such a way so that readers get interesting in something or someone you have written about.
Writing a Descriptive Essay
When writing a descriptive essay you need to pay attention to a number of factors. First and foremost you have to choose an interesting topic. The above abstract has offered you a couple of ideas. Just look around you and think about people or events you can describe. There are definitely some interesting evens in your city or neighborhood. You certainly have friends and family members. So, there should be no problems in choice of a topic. In case your have been assigned with a particular topic, do not worry. As a rule, these are the same topics, like description of a person, event, fact etc. Your descriptive essay topic should be not only interesting but it should sound interesting as well. “My friend” sounds not that interesting as “Soulmates never die” or “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” As soon as your professor starts reading your essay, he or she should get interested to read on.
Love Descriptive Essay
This is a very special assignment. A love descriptive essay focuses on a thing (if love can be called a thing) which is very difficult to describe with words. People write poems and compose music masterpieces to express their feelings. So, writing of a love descriptive essay can be a difficult task especially if you have never experienced such a feeling. You can use somebody else’s ideas for inspiration or describe some moments of your love. Try to give your own definition of love. Well, it can turn out somewhat lame, but it will be sincere and individual. Creativity is valued above all in such essay types.
Descriptive Essay my Best Friend
It seems like every student has written descriptive essay My Best Friend at least once in his or her life. Almost every person has a bosom friend, so there can be no problems in this. However, there can be problems in writing of an essay. You may understand everything but cannot express your feelings and thoughts with words. You have to pick words that fully describe your friend. You need to prove that this is your best friend and give your reasons. You can recall certain moments of life or how you spend time together. You can also answer a question “Who is a real friend?”
Descriptive Essay About Mother
Students are very often asked to write a descriptive essay about mother. In this essay type you have to use the kindest and warmest words to describe your mother’s character and what nice things she did to you. Your mother gave you life and took care of you during your first years of life (and she is still taking a great care). Use your heart to write such an essay.
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