Writing Custom Essays on History
High Quality Custom Written Essays on History
Writing essays on history might become a big challenge for students. The chief point of this task is deep comprehension and understanding of the topic researched. In addition to this, the questions raised in such essays are to be highlighted from the point of view of the student, giving an opportunity to him to present his own attitude towards the event in general. Topics for the custom essays on history varies greatly starting from prehistoric area, French revolution, World Wars, political courses of numerous historic periods followed by presidents, governments etc.
For instance, in the USA history one can enumerate some bright episodes to describe in his work like Cold War, Declaration of Independence, Civil War and others. Are there right or wrong answers in custom essays on history? It goes without saying that any historic event is judged from many sides and it is hardly possible to give any definite answers or any evaluation about its positivity or negativity. First of all, writing custom research papers on history merely means exploring the topic, but most of the times it is like a student`s dialogue with the subject, in other words comprehension of the historic event under discussion.
How to Start Writing an Essay?
Before get down to analyzing a question a student has to identify the subject of essay, literature and other materials needed. Then it is necessary to clarify the question why the very this topic has been taken by the student, give explanations and point out the reasons. Sometimes it is good to give your own point of view regarding some historic phenomenon, institutions or people involving in it. Thus, presenting student`s attitude and evaluation of the subject discussed. Presenting some quotations in the essay is a big plus. In the essay a student can agree or disagree with them showing his deep exploring of the subject.
But before giving his own point of view towards any quotation, the student has to examine the article or book from which the quotation has been taken and understand author`s comprehension of the subject presenting in the quotation. Reading books, articles and other materials which falls to the subject of the essay thoughtfully is a vital thing. Having read them, the student has to make a structure by writing down key arguments and ideas, in other words to make a plan of his future work. It is useful to begin with answering question about choosing interesting essay topic. Seeking for the information in the books and articles a student does not have forget about writing down the titles of the materials he consults. This information will be needed while making footnotes in the essay.
History Essay structure
Essay Introduction
Almost all preparations for writing have already been made and it is time to start the essay. In the introduction a student should specify the aim of writing the essay and the way he is going to answer the questions raised in it. In general, the first sentence (especially in short essays) is so-called attention-grabber that draws reader`s interest to the topic which is going to be enlightened in the essay. Next sentences are supposed to be longer containing the information and arguments from the books the student has researched before.
Main Part of an Essay
Body is a crucial part of the custom essay itself. Thus, it has to be paid much attention by the student. Good and smart paragraphing of the thoughts and arguments is the future success of the essay. Every thought has to be started from a new paragraph fortified by arguments and student`s point of view. Keeping right chronological order of the events will help of good understanding of the matter high-lighted. It is better to avoid single sentences in the work because complex sentences passing on to another sound much stronger and confident. Using variety of synonyms will make the essay brighter and more interesting for reading. Students have to avoid using the same phrases not to let the reader get bored or irritated by the reading. It should be beared in mind that it is necessary to make some link sentences from your point of view passing to arguments supporting it. The best thing is to use quotations of some authors in the essay, but not that much. Shaping the thoughts by your own words will make more effect, though, showing that the student has grasped the topic.
Essay Conclusion
Conclusion of the custom essay on history is not that easy to write as it might seem. A student has to check up carefully that the conclusion he has made is logically flows from the evidence and information he has already presented in the essay. If train of thoughts is illogical all the investigation of the subject has been made in vain.
Essay Footnotes
Opinions varies regarding indicating the footnotes in the custom essays. On the one hand, citing authors in the pages of the essay, not in the end, might distract the reader from grasping the key point of the work. On the other hand, though, it is necessary for fully comprehension of the topic with the help of the cited authors and their point of view. Plus, footnotes give power to the information or argument on the discussion and sound impressive. Where to put footnotes? It is the best thing to put them at the bottom of the page for a reader to follow the author`s thoughts immediately.
Bibliography and Editing
One more tip is to write a bibliography at the end of the custom essay on history. After the main work has been done, the essay is left for couple of days and re-read after some time passed. When it is time to read the essay once again, a student has to be sure that the work has logical flow, consists of complex sentences, avoids tautology and sounds strong and confident. Moreover, the whole text has to be checked and decided whether everything sounds clear, logical and correct. Perhaps, there is a need to cut some paragraphs or organize them in other order.
A student has to ask himself whether he has to make some efficient additions to the text or vice versa some deletions. The essay is read once again paying attention to the flow of the structure. Then, it`s time to pass to editing grammar, punctuation and spelling. One has to be sure that there are no lexical errors in the text. Note, that no jargon and colloquial language is used in such style of writing. Checking the text for possible grammar mistakes or misprints (if it is prepared in the electronic variant) is also necessary. Student has to avoid passive voice in the essay and eliminate using of unnecessary words. While writing the text, one is to keep one tense in the whole paragraph because mixing up tenses considers to be a big mistake.
Completing an essay, a student has to understand that in the essay he is to present his own analytical point of view based on the articles on history which have been studied carefully before writing the work.
If everything sounds wonderful, congratulations you have made a great job! Remember, ability to write goods essays comes with experience and your insistence in this field, rather than from the birth. Thus, be persistent and attentive while writing and good results will come in the nearest future. Also you might be interesting in information on law essay writing and narrative essay writing help available at ProfEssays.com.