Exercise for Lesson 7: How to Proofread Your Own Work
Instructions: In this exercise, we’re going to practice proofreading your own work. Below are instructions for writing certain paragraphs. After you’ve followed the instructions, proofread your work to the best of your abilities, by marking your draft and subsequently, providing a corrected version of the draft. Make sure that you save these drafts. You will need them for our next lesson’s exercise!
1. Write two short paragraphs comparing and contrasting two different things within the same category—for example, you may opt to compare cake and ice cream in light of which is the best dessert or you may want to pit wine and beer against one another as the best drink to drink at a birthday party. After you’ve finished writing your draft, use your knowledge about proofreading and proofreader’s marks to re-read and revise your work.
2. Write three paragraphs discussing your favorite animal. The first paragraph should introduce the animal—describe what kind of animal it is (e.g. canine, feline, etc.), how it behaves and how it looks. Next, you should talk about why you like this animal: what things does it represent for you? Did you have a pet like this once? What about this animal makes it your favorite (e.g. Pandas are adorable and fluffy!)? Your third paragraph should encourage the reader to write about their own favorite animal. After you’ve finished writing your draft, use your knowledge about proofreading and proofreader’s marks to re-read and revise your work.
3. Write a short paragraph about what you ate for breakfast this morning. The paragraph should consist of 5 to 7 sentences only. Discuss whether or not you liked your breakfast, as well as the reasons why. After you’ve finished writing your draft, use your knowledge about proofreading and proofreader’s marks to re-read and revise your work.
4. Write three short paragraphs about your favorite song at the moment. Each paragraph should consist of 5 to 7 sentences only. In the first paragraph, discuss the song, who sang it and how you discovered it. Next, dedicate a paragraph to what about it really strikes you—is it the melody? A certain lyric? What does it make you feel? How can you relate to it? After this, in the third paragraph, tell your audience whether or not you would encourage them to listen to the artist’s other songs: why or why not? After you’ve finished writing your draft, use your knowledge about proofreading and proofreader’s marks to re-read and revise your work.
5. Write a short paragraph about your favorite ice cream flavor. What about it do you like? Was it always your favorite ice cream flavor? Which brands do you think do the flavor the best? Do you have a recipe for it or do you just eat it plain? Limit this paragraph to 5-9 sentences only. After you’ve finished writing your draft, use your knowledge about proofreading and proofreader’s marks to re-read and revise your work.