Bubonic Plague Research Paper
Bubonic plague is believed to have brought the Byzantine empire to its knees in the 6th century. This is the first ever documented record of bubonic plague in human history. But the fact that bubonic plague continues to afflict human population even today is a matter of concern. Your bubonic plague research paper would revolve around the premise of it being a deadly disease, but we assure you that we won’t scare you by the facts. Bubonic plague is typically differentiated from other infections because of its roots in the bacteria, Yersinia pestis or Pastuerella pestis. The bacteria typically infects the spleen, lungs, kidneys and brain. It is spread by virtue of rats and fleas. The staff at ProfEssays.com could as well spell out some of its symptoms as
- shivering chills
- staggering gait
- stuttered speech
- memory loss
- weakness
The early symptoms lead to graver consequences, and the ultimate zenith is reached when the patient ultimately breaths his last. Several deaths were caused by bubonic plague in the 14th century when medical science wasn’t developed as it is today. A nursing and healthcare term paper could focus on the facilities provided to modern healthcare officials that were not available in the 14th century. It killed almost 30 per cent of the contemporary European population. Infection is spread through fleas and rodents. It is a common occurrence to have rodents whenever there are earthquakes or other such calamities. The disease was known as the Black Death. A death essay customised to bubonic plague or any other deadly disease could explain the intricacies associated with bubonic plague. Your bubonic plague research paper could tell you how it was brought to Marseilles, France through a sea vessel in the year 1721.The epidemic of bubonic plague claimed almost one-fourth of Europe’s population at the same time. ProfEssays.com has it all in its libraries!
A typical infection of bubonic plague is signaled by uncontrolled shivering followed by vomiting and sleeplessness. The appearance of buboes in the armpits and the groin are giveaway symptoms. This way, bubonic plague is a lot like smallpox. The lymph nodes start to swell because of the bacterial infection. The malady is not exactly infectious or transmitted from one man to another. The agents are fleas. Body temperature rises to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, as in smallpox. A smallpox research paper would be the best place to find all the details of an infection by smallpox virus. Writers at ProfEssays.com are trained to bring out the difference clearly between smallpox and bubonic plague when you place an order for a bubonic plague research paper. Likewise, we ensure that each of our products is different and unique.
The spread of bubonic plague could be controlled after continued efforts by the World Health Organisation. Though efforts to achieve a world free of bubonic plague are on, yet about 2,000 cases of bubonic plague are reported every year. Most of the cases occur in the Middle East, China, southern and eastern Africa, Brazil, and many parts of Asia. Australia and New Zealand are free from the disease. Life in the Middle East had been a bit tough for the citizens because bubonic plague is known to recur after every few years till the 16th century. In a way, it acted as an effective agent to check the growth of population. There is no effective vaccination against it. A middle east research paper could be customised to suit the spread of bubonic plague in the area. Or ProfEssays.com could tell you in your bubonic plague research paper why it could not touch Australia and New Zealand. All research papers are written by native citizens so that you get the authentic information, and nothing else.
Bubonic plague could even be detrimental to the biodiversity. Your buboinic plague research paper could tell you of all the harmful effects the bacteria is known to have on several species like the black-footed ferret. The ecological balance is hampered because species of prairie dog depend on the ferret. Endangered species like the black-footed ferret are thrown to the verge of extinction by virtue of an epidemic of bubonic plague. A biodiversity research paper could tell you of the threats to your nation’s biodiversity. ProfEssays.com has staff competent enough to explore into the corners of the globe for information. Bubonic plague is believed to have originated in Gobi desert, Asia in the 6th century. It spread all over the continent by fleas and through other draft animals. Trade routes provided avenues for transmission to different parts of Europe and Africa. There has always been the possibility of the Yersinia pestis being used as a biological weapon, although doctors and scientists dismiss the possibility. A terrorism research paper could spell out the reasons for this.