An Easy Approach to Teenage Smoking Research Paper
Adolescence is a phase of mental, social and physical change in growing young adults. However, not all of the changes are positive. Many of the teens are increasingly getting indulged in unwanted behaviors. Smoking is one of the hazardous behaviors that teens are hooked on to. Dealing with such a sensitive and controversial issue for the research paper is certainly a challenging task. Added to that is the requirement of deep dedication to research for the materials and an enthusiasm to put them in writing. However, due to many reasons we often fail to give what it takes to construct the research paper. ProfEssays.com has network of writers who can write for you an excellent Teenage Smoking Research Paper.
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Writing a Research Paper on Teen Smoking
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What to Write in Teen Smoking Research Paper
Are you wondering what topics you might take to ensure that you can complete the paper comfortably? Here, ProfEssays.com recommends that you go through the following ideas to aid you in research process.
- The behavioral aspect– there can be seen some clear changes like teen who smoke are more aggressive due to the superiority attached to it among the peers. They tend to feel like they are adults and wiser and that they have control of their life.
- Teen smoking and media– the media is definitely one big influence for the teens to smoke. Their
celebrities, their ‘heroes’ in the movies, and high profile individuals shown smoking in TV can have a strong imprint in the mind of the teens.
- The habit – whether teen smoking will sustain over the period an individual is determined by many factors. The peer pressure, the addiction, the family influence, and the surrounding environment, all play their roles. Some grow up to be chain smokers, while some just make it an element of social gathering. Some, with positive influence, may even give it up. Still some may get to the next level and use marijuana, heroin or other drugs.
- The physical damage – the nicotine present in cigarettes, and the smoke have very hazardous effect on the health of the smokers. In short term, the smoker may lose appetite, get headache, while in the long run, they stay vulnerable to cancer, asthma, bronchitis.
- Why do teen smoke? Another interesting area of study can be how the teens justify smoking. There are many reasons put forward by teens to rationalize their smoking habit. They smoke to feel relaxed, cool and to be in better stand among the peers as it signifies social status.
- What can be done? You can also focus your research paper on what can be done to discourage the teens from smoking. The parents are the single biggest influence in any teen’s life. Besides, the governmental effort to disseminate knowledge proves useful. Also, the parents, teachers, and those who have an influence on the teen with suspicious behavior can also discourage them.
How to Make Your Teen Smoking Research Paper Successful
Teen smoking is definitely a controversial topic and hence takes argumentative form. You must be able to dissect the issues relevant and target those issues to ensure that the readers accept your stand and are even ready to change their views. A successful research paper makes the readers think. However, you must face the challenge that there are ample of scope to refute your arguments and readers are ‘always’ smart! Thus you should have weight on the logic and rationality you forward. Examples, facts, experiments can be some of the ways to strengthen your stand on the issue. This helps to make your logic convincing.
ProfEssays.com writers are highly trained to make sure that they give due consideration to perform research so that the underlying issues relevant to teen smoking research paper is properly analyzed. Novel content in the paper is our strict requirement. This is to ensure that plagiarism is not present in the paper. When you buy research paper you can rest worry free that it will reach you on time. We always promptly reply to the customers’ questions and help them with any of the issues attached to their order.