Thesis Acknowledgement
A thesis acknowledgement is included in an academic thesis paper, and its designation lies in thanking those people who have helped a writer in developing the research and creating an academic paper. This is an expression of gratitude to those who have offered the writer their assistance and support, as well as gave advice and suggestions of major importance.
Who should be given such a tribute? You may show your gratitude to your teachers, librarians, laboratory assistants, fellow students, colleagues, or even parents and friends. However, the thesis acknowledgement is not supposed to seem and sound like a testimonial speech at an awards ceremony. Instead, your thesis acknowledgement is a concise vote of thanks, which simply mentions those people who have been directly involved in the thesis creation. There is also no need to mention all those people who took part in the writer’s formation as a scientist, a thinker, and a researcher – beginning with the nursery school teachers and parents. Only those who actually helped in some way with the creation of this particular research paper should be mentioned in the thesis acknowledgement. But remember that you can’t mention only one person (for example, your Supervisor) in your thesis acknowledgement. It is recommended not to include acknowledgement page to the thesis if you have only one person to thank.
Thesis Acknowledgement Page Navigation
- Thesis Acknowledgement Sample
- Useful Phrases for Acknowledgement
- Thesis Dedication
- How Can We Help
- Master’s Thesis Acknowledgement
- Thesis Acknowledgement Page Format
Thesis Acknowledgement Sample
When you write a thesis it involves a lot of hard work and effort. Also, you would have had many people helping you. It is only natural to acknowledge the people who made it possible. At the beginning of any thesis paper, after the copyright page and the dedication page, is the page of the acknowledgement.
Useful Phrases for Thesis Acknowledgement
When developing the acknowledgement the writer can rely on certain generally accepted phrases which are used to express gratitude – in order for the acknowledgement not to sound too unprofessional or simple. A perfect acknowledgement, as suggested by ProfEssays.com, could be something like:
- It is with immense gratitude that I acknowledge the support and help of my Professor…
- It gives me great pleasure in acknowledging the support and help of Professor…
- I am indebted to my Professor, my parents and my classmates…
- I wish to thank, first and foremost, my Professor and my parents…
- I cannot find words to express my gratitude to…
- This thesis would have remained a dream had it not been for…
- I consider it an honor to work with…
- I share the credit of my work with…
- I am indebted to my many colleagues who supported me…
- I would like to thank…
- I owe my deepest gratitude to…
- This thesis would not have been possible unless…
These are only a few of such phrases. The list is long; there are many ways to write thesis acknowledgments.
After you use phrases like this in your acknowledgement remember to specify why you are thankful to these people!
Acknoledgement Sample
(Click the image to enlarge)
Thesis dedication
A thesis dedication is dedicated to someone who has played a major role in writing your thesis, in your career and in your life. It is a way of showing gratitude. You value their support and help, and want to show your appreciation by way of a thesis dedication.
ProfEssays.com can give you a few ways of writing a thesis dedication, although when you buy an essay from us you will get the works. We will help you with a dedication, an acknowledgement, bibliographies and all other things involved in thesis writing, along with the essay itself.
- This thesis is dedicated to my parents who have given me the opportunity of aneducation from the best institutions and support throughout my life.
- This thesis is dedicated to my Professor Mr. XYZ who has been my friend, guide and philosopher.
- I dedicate this thesis to my best friend who has always helped me and believed that I could do it.
- This thesis is dedicated to my wife and children who have always stood by me and dealt with all of my absence from many family occasions with a smile.
How Can We Help
ProfEssays.com is a professional custom essay and dissertation writing service provider. Our writing team consists of highly qualified experts from such countries as the US, UK, Canada and Australia. All of our custom papers are 100% written from scratch, fully cited and referenced. We also guarantee that your order will be completed on time.
Acknowledgement page is part of the package deal you get when you purchase a thesis from ProfEssays.com. A thesis will be designed with your specific instructions. You will only have to tell us whether you would like to have it right after the table of contents but before the Abstract, or at the end of the entire project.
We would take care and caution to settle all the nuances of your acknowledgements in a single page because, however important, your thesis should not be made bulky by virtue of a gratifying ceremony. Writers at ProfEssays.com know that you are to be presented as being humble, but we ensure that we are not servile. As a final assurance that you are in safe hands, we take care to place the copyright and dedication pages before the thesis acknowledgment page. ProfEssays.com is your essay writing resource to help you with the writing of acknowledgements, dedications, indexes along with the thesis itself.
We assure you that we would center the heading, ‘Acknowledgements,’ ensure equal margins on each side of the page, leave a four-line space below the heading. All of this is done at lightning speed, and you would be surprised at the breathtaking prices that we offer! We are on our toes ‘round the clock to help you, so you are sure to emerge happily satisfied when you order an essay from us. See also thesis paper, thesis help or thesis online.
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Master’s thesis acknowledgement
When you write a Master’s thesis, there are more people involved with your work. The various departments with whom you interacted and who have stood by you have to be acknowledged. Usually a masters degree is completed over a period of 2-3 years, and so this means that you have been under the guidance of many professors and advisors.
A Master’s thesis acknowledgement will show your gratitude towards your professors and advisors. Apart from that the lab technicians, fellow students and other staff of your university who have helped you with the writing, editing, drafting, design, technical and non- technical assistance, suggestions and guidance will also have to be acknowledged.
Thesis Acknowledgement Page Format
Usually the acknowledgement page is placed after the copyright and the dedication page. The format of the acknowledgement page is supposed to be the same as of the entire paper – this includes the margins, headings, pagination and spacing. As for its position in the paper, it can be put before or after the abstract in the thesis, as well as at the very end of the paper, after the reference list.
- A heading “Acknowledgments” in the center of the page giving in bold letters is required.
- Begin your matter 4 inches below the heading.
- Use gracious flowing language.
- Don’t go overboard with the gratitude. It should be sincere.
Though it is not an essential part of a perfect thesis, yet an acknowledgement page crafted and designed with precision and care should leave a lasting impression on the reviewer. Just as we thank God ‘for our daily bread,’ you must show your gratitude to the people who have helped you complete your theses in a separate section of your thesis. So we honor the presence of this page in the final document. This should be a list of resources who you consulted for your research.
Your project could be a study that extended for a long time. You encountered all sorts of people who contribute to the successful completion of your thesis in their own particular way. In the acknowledgement page of a thesis, you are sure to find an excellent opportunity to thank all of them. The list of people we would be thanking on your behalf may include
- Your friends and family
- Your colleagues
- The police department or any other public service department
- The staff at the local library
- Your teachers and supervisor
But remember there is no need to develop a long acknowledgement, as it is supposed to take no more than a single page (usually less).
The finer points of a thesis presentation is the acknowledgement page, dedication page and the title page. These are as important as the thesis itself because giving credit where it’s due is very essential.