Homosexuality Essay
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Homosexuals then did not enjoy the liberty that many homosexuals enjoy today. Homosexuality or the preference of an individual to a person with the same sexual orientation, for the most part of history, is looked down by many groups, organizations and individuals. The very first organized institution that discourages, if not condemn, homosexuality are the Christian organizations. For many secular groups, homosexuality is a considered as a grave sin. Many verses from the Bible are directed towards the prohibition of same-sex relationships.
A verse from the book of Leviticus illustrates this: “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death, their blood will be on their own heads.” Christian teachings say that the only way that one can gain forgiveness is when the homosexual turns away from such behavior. On the other hand, many free thinkers support homosexuality. People who are pro-choice argue that God has given us the right towards individuality. As such, suppressing homosexual feelings is tantamount to human rights suppression. Read more on the following: cause and effect essay writing, compare and contrast essay writing and essay format.
This new wave of reasoning is revolutionary and has received support from varied groups and organizations. In fact, some countries openly support it, as they even have legal provisions to protect a person who has homosexual orientation. Despite this and the modernity of today’s society, many violence on gay and lesbians are still reported. In fact, in US – one of the most liberal countries in the world – many of the hate crimes are committed against homosexuals.
The varied views on homosexuality then and now, just proves that the differences will remain. With this premise, it is easy to identify an essay topic to use on your homosexuality essay. You can take a stand on what views you advocate and start writing your essay from there. If you do not have a concrete idea or opinion on this issue, then ProfEssays.com will assist you by enumerating varied incidences, laws – both pros and cons – on the issue of homosexuality.
ProfEssays.com is a company dedicated to provide you with the custom essay that you need. We provide you comprehensive assistance on essay writing. To help you start your essay, we have enlisted below a list of laws related to homosexuality.
- Countries who support homosexuality:
- Cape Verde: Homosexuality became legal on year 2004
- Chad: Homosexuality was legalized since 1967
- Ghana: It is illegal for men to engage in homosexual activities, while it is legal for women.
- Swaziland: Homosexual men are illegal while women homosexuals remain legal. However, laws are currently being reviewed to outlaw lesbian practices.
- Canada: Homosexuality is well accepted here. They have legal provisions on same sex marriage, union, and adoption. They also allow gay and lesbians to serve in the military and they have provisions against homosexual discriminations.
- Mexico: Homosexuality is legal. Provisions on marriage and adoption vary from region to region.
- United States of America: Homosexuality is legal. The law on marriage varies from one state to another.
- Countries who oppose homosexuality:
- Algeria: There is fine and 2 years imprisonment for homosexuals
- Libya: Penalty on homosexuals is up to 5 years imprisonment
- Sudan: Homosexuals can be put to death, at worst cases.
- Gambia: People who are homosexuals can be imprisoned for 14 years.
- Burundi: Homosexuality became illegal in 2009.
- Barbados: Homosexuality is not legal and offenders will be penalized with life sentence.
- North Korea: Homosexuality is not legal but homosexuals are not persecuted unless they openly express their homosexuality.
The varied and opposing views on homosexuality provide you varied options on how you can handle writing your homosexuality essay. With such information, you can now easily conceptualize an essay topic that fits your personality and interests. If you need more assistance on writing your essay sample, your best bet is to consider the professional academic writers of ProfEssays.com.
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