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Steps in writing a good alcoholism essay

Psychological dependence on alcohol due to stress, trauma, addiction, depression and various other reasons can be termed as alcoholism.

An alcoholism essay is bases on the types of alcoholism the psychological, physical issues resulting in this and the treatment involved in the same.

Alcoholism is major cause of concern and these types of essays need to address and proffer practical solutions from refraining to resorting to such additions.

Our establishment – ProfEssays.com has been successful in writing some exceptional alcoholism essay assignments which have gained our clients fame and recognition, some of the steps taken by us to fabricate such essays include:

• Discussing the types of alcoholism
There are various causes for alcoholism; however, there are also various types of alcoholism. While planning a good research paper or essay on this topic one should give a description of the study done by the American social scientist Prof. E.M. Jellinek, who was the pioneer of the modern scientific approach to the problem and also categorized the types of alcoholism into the following:

► Type 1 (alpha alcoholism)
► Type 2 (beta alcoholism)
► Type 3 (gamma alcoholism)
► Type 4 (delta alcoholism)
► Type 5 (epsilon alcoholism)

One should look at briefly explaining the above mentioned to give a wholesome perspective of the cause.

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• Consequences / effects of alcoholism
Potential or acute alcoholism can affect four areas of people’s lives: mental, physical, professional, domestic and social. While illustrating such causes and symptoms in the essay one should work on common effects such as:

► Mental depression, anxiety, tension and symptoms of delusion and hallucination which may also be common withdrawal symptoms.
► Physical degradation of the liver and nervous system, weakening of the eyes and other muscles.
► Impact on the professional life of an individual due to physical and mental regression.
► The effect that an alcoholic may face with their relationships at home.

ProfEssays.com writers recommend that students should delve into the various effects that alcoholism may have on individuals as this is a core component of an alcoholism essay.

• How to lessen the risk of alcohol
Anything taken excessively can be harmful, so is the case with alcohol. To make these types of essays interesting, one should bring out facts and discoveries that have been made over the years. For instance the finding made in 1979 by the Royal college of Psychiatrists in London, who brought into notice that 4 pints of beer or 4 large measure of spirits or a standard bottle of wine cane be a safe consumption level and if one restricts oneself to such levels than the risk of a fatal damage or effect could be lessened.

• Support groups for alcoholics
Advice and help for the problem drinker is a vital part of an alcoholism essay. ProfEssays.com suggests breaking up this segment into 2 parts:

► Non-specialist sources
► Specialist sources

Students should under these segments provide the various kinds of assistance available for alcoholics and the kind of support one could receive, some of these sources may include:

Non-specialist sources

► The advice and recommendations of the family doctor.
► The assistance offered by the church to alcoholics

Specialist sources

► The national council on Alcoholism
► FARE ( Federation of Alcoholic Rehabilitation Establishments)
► Medical council on alcoholism
► Regional alcoholic units.

An alcoholism essay should illustrate the type of support one can obtain from these sources.

• Types of treatment available
There is no miracle drug and no miracle cure for alcoholism, because of the various factors involved in the illness, the treatment is usually based on a combination of techniques. Our writers at ProfEssays.com comprehensively elucidate these treatments in the essay which primarily include:

► Psychological treatment such as therapy and counseling.
► Social treatment and the backing given to help a drinker readjust in society through self help groups etc.
► Drug treatment like detoxification and vitamins etc.

• Conclusion
The conclusion of an alcoholism essay should be impacting and should influence the reader; the writer should also freely voice their opinion in this part of the paper. One should try and break the jinx that alcoholism is considered to be by explaining that; it is no longer a crime or a disgrace. It is a disease that can be cured and in most cases checked and that there is no reason for people with a drinking problem to suffer in shame and silence.

If you are looking to buy coursework or essays on alcoholism from ProfEssays.com you can be guaranteed to procure a well planned and conceptualized paper, exceeding your and your institutions standards.
So allow us to share our expertise and help you excel in your class, for assistance on placing your order contact our 24 hours customer support.

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