Writing Improvement Class
This class caters to anyone and everyone who is looking to improve their way of living. Writing is an important facet of life and ultimately affects whether or not you’re able to reach your goals. Are you unsure about how to come up with convincing paragraphs? Maybe your grammar and composition are a little rusty and you’re looking for a refresher course? Perhaps you’ve got the basics down but need that little extra push to be able to refine your written work? Whether you’re a student trying to get better grades or an employee looking to improve your writing skills so you can earn a better living, this class is great for perfecting your written technique.
This short class was designed by our professionals to help you learn everything that you need to be able to become the best writer that you can be! Here you’ll find fun lessons that provide you with quality knowledge on the different tips and tricks that experts employ when writing. Upon signing up for this class, you’ll also be given an avenue for practice with fun exercises and short quizzes which help you gauge and amplify your skill set and your progress. With this short, time-saving set of lessons which are well-organized and easy to understand, we’ll be going through everything: from the basics like spelling and punctuation to what it takes to get you to the top of your game—at the end of these lessons, you’ll be writing like a pro. Join this class now and take a giant leap toward unlocking your writing potential!
[KGVID width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.professays.com/wp-content/uploads/Writing-Improvement-Class-Track.mp4[/KGVID]
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Lesson 1: Why Learn To Improve Your Writing?
Writing is very important, no matter what stage of life you’re in or whatever your job might involve. It often isn’t enough just to know how to write—to become successful, you have to be able to write well. In our globalized world, employers, clients and educators alike value communication skills. Written communication is especially important because this is the kind of communication that most often gets recorded. With the rise of written media platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Twitter and Tumblr, it’s crucial that you know how to write properly—these things remain online for a very long time. How well you write is inevitably tied to your success, no matter the situation.
Lesson 2: A Review on Basic Structures
We’ll begin this class with the basic structures involved in writing—in this lesson, we’ll be taking a refresher as to the different parts of a paragraph. We’ll talk about what these parts contain and how mastering these tools will be the building blocks of your writing skills. Outlined below are the different structures that you’ll encounter throughout this course along with brief definitions and examples that will help you better understand how these basic elements are incorporated into writing.
Lesson 3: Different Types of Paragraphs
In this lesson, we’ll be talking about the different kinds of paragraphs that you’ll encounter when writing. These are most likely paragraphs that you’ve already encountered before. Here, we’ll be looking at each type of paragraph and providing examples that will better help you understand each kind of paragraph, what it should contain and how to write it. These will help you organize your work and produce more cohesive work. Also incorporated into this discussion are common uses for these kinds of paragraphs. Outlined below are the different kinds of paragraphs.
Lesson 4: Points of View
In this lesson, we’ll be discussing the different points of view that we can use. This gives us a good idea as to the different ways in which we can express ourselves through writing. Here we’ll be tackling each point of view and listing down examples that will help us understand these perspectives more easily.
Lesson 5: Show, Not Tell
One of the best techniques when it comes to writing is that of show, not tell. Mastering this method helps you write vivid pieces of work that are engaging and that keep your audience’s focus. In this lesson, we’ll be enumerating different concrete tips and examples that will help you become an expert at coming up with interesting and captivating written work.
Lesson 6: Dialogue
In this lesson, we’ll be talking about how to write dialogue that is effective, natural-sounding and engaging. We’ll also be talking about the different ways in which this can be achieved through concrete techniques. To be able to better flesh out this idea, we’re going to be looking at examples of both well written and badly written dialogue.
Lesson 7: Monologue
In this lesson, we’re going to be discussing the monologue, its definition and different steps to take to be able to write an effective monologue. We’ll also be looking at different examples of monologues in famous pieces of work that are effective, along with what makes them good and how you can achieve the same effect.
Lesson 8: Curation
In this lesson, we’re going to be learning about how we can properly curate or select information for your body of writing. This helps your work become more cohesive and makes sure that you deliver the right kind of content for the work you’re attempting to write. In whatever scenario, whether in school, at work or for your personal endeavors, this allows you to avoid making mistakes and increases your productivity. Below are a couple of steps that you can follow to make sure you have the right substance for your written work.
Lesson 9: Sophistication
In this lesson, we’ll be discussing how your work can sound more sophisticated and well-written. One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to writing is that you have to sound “fancy” or highfaluting to be able to sound important or credible. Leonardo Da Vinci said that simplicity is the utmost sophistication— the same goes for written work; writing doesn’t need to be overly complex to be effective. In keeping with this train of thought, below are a couple of techniques that show us exactly how we can subtly channel sophistication through our writing.
Lesson 10: Proofreading
In this last lesson, we’re going to be discussing the final skill that you have to acquire before you can fully upgrade your writing chops—proofreading. This is the part of writing that mostly involves reading: this is the phase during which you double-check your writing for spelling and grammar errors. While the content is your main concern, the technicalities of writing are also important because they can also alter how your message gets across. Grammatical and spelling errors, for example, take away from the sophistication of your paper and they can change the meanings of words—for example, the words desert and dessert mean completely different things.
Lesson 11: Conclusion
Throughout this class, our goal has been to improve our writing skills—by going through our set of lessons, we were able to discuss most of the points which contribute to one’s ability to write well. We began the class with a review of the basic structures of grammar. We were also able to look at the different types of paragraphs and how altering our work depending on what we aim to achieve can help us get our message across to our audience. From here, we proceeded to look at point of view and the different practical applications that writing from each kind of point of view had—we were also able to view examples which helped us understand how to best utilize these different perspectives in our writing.