Anthrax Essay Writing Help
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Anthrax is a disease of farm animals that can be passed on to man. It attacks either the skin producing deep ulcers, or the lungs causing pneumonia, and in untreated causes eventual death.
In most countries any outbreak of this disease is brought under strict control as it is extremely contagious.
Though anthrax is extremely rare in man, in the recent past there have been threats and outbreak of this disease and an anthrax essay typically is aimed to discuss the causes, threats and control of such diseases.
To write these types of essays students require undertaking detailed and extensive research which is often time consuming and complex, therefore to help students in conjuring these assignments ProfEssays.com have set up a team of expert writers who diligently work on scripting papers on behalf of students.
Some of the steps taken by our specialists to write good anthrax essay assignments include:
- Giving a background and basic explanation on anthrax
It is vital to start an anthrax essay with a detailed background of the disease, how it was founded and its threats. This is essential so as to make the readers aware of the history and background of the ailment. One should give an account of the discovery of anthrax in 1857 by the German physician Robert Koch. It is necessary to conduct a planned research and construct an interesting essay introduction on the topic.
- Anthrax outbreaks
There have been numerous anthrax outbreaks which have caused immense worry as well, it is essential that a good research paper or essay on this topic comprehensively cover the scale and destruction caused by these outbreaks, one should give accounts of past as well as current threats pertaining to anthrax. Some events that one could illustrate are:
► The spread and outbreak on anthrax during the World War II in various countries and in concentration camps which caused mass outbreak of the disease.
► The 2001 anthrax attack in the United States.
- Causes of anthrax in humans
Anthrax is basically found in animals however, humans also have a large threat of contracting the infection in various ways. It is essential that the anthrax essay cover all such possible causes of the spread of the ailment in humans. Some of the wide causes which one should essentially discuss are:
► The exposure of farmers to infected cattle or products like wool.
► Laboratory accidents during experiments.
► Infection through contaminated food, inhalation, and cuts on the skin.
- Symptoms of anthrax
In such essays one requires discussing the symptoms and ways to detect the contraction of the disease at an early stage so as to be able to treat the condition of the patient accordingly. Some key symptoms of this disease could be:
► Severe cold and flu for several days
► Stomach infection and gastrontitus due to consumption of the meat of infected cattle.
► Development of ulcers boils and black Escher on the skin.
- Prevention and treatment of the disease
The history of the finding of anthrax dates back to 1857 and therefore the steps and findings for a prevention and cure for the disease also commenced early, therefore in the anthrax essay one should discuss all the preventive measures that can be taken to stop the spread of the infection and the treatment for the same, some interesting facts and discoveries that one could discuss in this section are:
► The development of the first anthrax vaccine May 1881 by Louis Pasteur
► The development of the Bio Thrax vaccine by FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration )
- The usage of anthrax in development of bio weapons
Biggest threat that anthrax poses is that it is used in the making of biological weapons which are liable for causing mass destruction. In these types of essays it is essential to discuss the threats of bioterrorism and usage of such weapons against enemies. One could give some illustrations of the usage of such biological warfare, like:
► The usage of anthrax in 1916 in Finland against the Russian Army.
► The usage of anthrax during the war with black nationalists between 1978 and 1979.
► The anthrax accident in Russia, in April 1979.
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