Brainstorming for Your Essay or Term Paper
Sometimes students face the tasks which are hard to complete, the tasks which require creative thinking and finding the key to the problem. Brainstorming is considered to be one of the most effective techniques used to generate ideas and produce creative solutions.
History: the idea of brainstorming was first introduced in 1930 by Alex Osborne who developed a theory of creating numerous ideas quickly. He believed that it’s possible to find the key solution to the problem among the variants generated in the process of brainstorming. Basically, he preferred quantity to quality since fast solution-generating process envisages large quantity of ideas produced.
Nowadays brainstorming became a popular way of finding solutions to different problems in different spheres of life, whether it is work or studies. Looking for a creative idea is particularly important when writing custom essays or completing term papers. Brainstorming helps if you need to come across some original idea, think outside the box, make a little revolution in your own mind.
It’s very frequently used in a team work, and it is said to facilitate the process of generation of ideas. So if you have a project paper and haven’t come up with the topic or the direction of your research, get together with your fellow students and brainstorm!
Advantages of brainstorming: it generates a variety of ideas which may contain a key to the problem. It increases the richness of solution, the saturation of ideas, interchanges of opinions, improves team work and trains your wit. Disadvantages of brainstorming: some people tend to consider the brainstorming as the opposite of what it claims to be – the decrease of creativity. The whole process distracts people from finding actual creative solution and disperses their attention of minor details which are not important.
As we see, the issue of brainstorming might be quite controversial, however, it can be useful as one of the techniques to improve your custom essay writing and develop the creative side of your personality. Read more about history essays and personal essays.