Research Paper Topics
Choosing the right topic for your research paper is half the battle. Sometimes, even great writers cannot compose interesting texts about boring topics. High school and college students have to choose topics that will be interesting for evaluators, professors or whoever else it may concern. The topic of your research paper should surprise your readers. Just imagine a professor who starts reading your research paper and thinks, “Hey, that’s some interesting topic this student has chosen.” It’s only natural for that professor to have a positive attitude toward the research paper, even if it contains some minor mistakes.
Of course, this is not to say that the right choice of an research paper topic will guarantee an excellent grade. You will have to write a good research paper, and the topic you have chosen has to be fully developed. If it isn’t, the only positive thing in your research paper will be the title page with the topic on it.
Research Paper Topics Navigation
- Tips on Choosing a Good Topic for your Research Paper
- Interesting Research Paper Topics
- How Can We Help?
- Find Information for Your Research Paper
- Writing a Research Paper Thesis and Outline
- Research Paper Structure
- Writing the Draft of Your Research Paper
- Revising Your Research Paper
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Tips on Choosing a Good Topic for your Research Paper
- Choose either a research area you know well or you are interested in. This will make the writing process much easier
- Write a list of possible topics to choose from
- Choose the title that would provide your approach for the topic: it should be as specific as possible
- If possible the topic of your research paper should address some open-ended question.
- Topic may be not only interesting, but also acute. An acute research paper should concern some issues that are actively discussed in society, on the college campus or in the high school itself. If you’re given a choice and you are free to pick any topic just look around you and think of the problems in the society and most pressing issues in your local area.
- If the topic of your research paper has to be related to scientific issues, choose an interesting topic and look at it as if it were a scientific issue or a fact from a different angle. This as the best way to find a topic that will be interesting both for you and the evaluator of your research paper. After all, you want your research paper to be highly valued, don’t you?
Interesting Research Paper Topics
We searched through most popular search engines to provide you with the best and the most interesting topics for research papers suggested by users.
Here we will provide mainly the topics that may be of general interest. But if you are looking for a suggestion for a research topic on particular research field, like topics for mathematics research papers, may also help you!
General Interesting Topics for Research Papers
- Is it true that soy milk has estrogen in it and disrupts with people’s hormones?
- Why aren’t keyboards in alphabetical order?
- If our school had/didn’t have school uniforms, what would be the pros and cons?
- Why same sex marriages are not recognized by most of the religions?
- Teen smoking
- Illegal drug trade
- Mass media
- Media influence
- International crimes
- Homosexuality
- Teen suicide
- Teen dropouts
- Media bias
- Hazardous waste
- Nicotine
- Black magic
- Freedom of speech
- Food engineering
- Foodborne illness
- Headaches
- Heroine
- Cannabis political parties
- Million Mom march
- LGBT social movements
- Missile defense
- Teen challenge
- Multiculturalism
- Eating disorders
- Genetic engineering
Interesting Personalities for a Topic on History
- Abraham Lincoln
- Benjamin Franklin
- St. Catherine of Siena
- St. Francis of Assissi
- St. James
- Einstein
- Tesla
- Hitler
- Jesus
- Moses
- Bob Marley
Interesting Topics for Persuasive Research Paper
- Fatal consequences of driving drunk
- Why antibiotics don’t help from viruses?
- Cell phone usage on airplanes
How can we help?
Choose any topic you like and our professional writers will assist you in conducting the research and writing the paper, or will even write an excellent research paper for you, on the topic you have chosen. We understand the pressure students are under to achieve high academic goals and we are ready to take some of that pressure off of you because we love writing. Let be your reliable partner for a successful academic career.
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Find information for your research paper
Even before you start to make an outline you have to find information for your research paper. Obviously, if you’re a college student you cannot make any inventions in science. That is why you have to collect information on the chosen topic. What is the best way to do it? You should use the power of the Internet; subscribe to online libraries and encyclopedias, search in google books, and don’t forget to look for the information in printed books. Of course, you cannot just copy and paste information. You have to work on your research paper and frame somebody else’s thoughts with your own conclusions and ideas. That means that the research paper should reflect your views and your research first of all, and the citations should be used only to support it. This will make a perfect research paper that will be highly valued by your professor.
Writing a research paper thesis and outline
Your research paper thesis is the topic you will investigate. These words are not synonymous, as a thesis implies a broader description of problems and issues studied in the research paper. Pay particular attention to this stage of research paper writing, because if you start out wrong you are unlikely to get positive end results. That’s why the first and the most important step is to write a research paper thesis and outline before you actually start working on your research paper.
The clarity and integrity of a thesis statement won’t be reached without a general plan of an research paper. A writer should draw up a plan just like an architect creates a plan for a new building. The writer must think about it before writing, not vice versa.
An outline is a summarized structure of your research paper.
Writing a research paper without an outline is like driving a car without knowing where you are going – you never know where you will get the next day.
Research Paper Structure
First comes the title. Specialists say that a successful and felicitous title makes a huge step towards a better presentation of the chosen topic and more importantly, forms the reader’s first impression. A catching title attracts attention and inspires further reading. Then comes the research paper itself, which consists of an annotation, introduction, body, conclusion and references (works cited page or bibliography).
An annotation has the function of expanding on the title and contains information about the content of the paper. An annotation should reveal what is the most interesting and applicable in the work, according to the author.
The next part – the introduction – is tended to be omitted, however, it’s a “must have” for an interesting research paper on any topic. It is appropriate to include information about any previous investigation within the same field, along with sources and works that inspired the writer to choose this specific topic for your research paper.
The main part – the body – should contain the main idea, aim, objective to investigate, the investigation itself and the analysis of the results from the research conducted.
The explanation of results is considered to be the hardest part, however, it is also the most interesting part because the aim of the whole paper is to finally find the reasons, explanations, causes etc. of investigating an interesting research paper topic. Conclusions frame completed work. They should not be numerous; three-five points are enough to shape the results of an investigation and to explain the practical value of research. The references page should be properly executed, as it is important not to omit any of the sources used for writing a research paper. The interested reader has to be able to find the source according to the description indicated on this page.
Writing the draft of your research paper
When you have the thesis statement, the sources, and the outline it’s high time to start writing your research paper.
Follow the intended structure, connect each chapter with your thesis, cite your sources properly and you will succeed!
It’s known that nobody can cover every aspect or the research topic or use all the possible sources. In order to avoid the critical comments of your professor regarding the sources or the perspective do mention the limitations of your research. This will make your research stronger!
Revising Your Research Paper
Never submit the first version of your research paper to your evaluator or professor. Without a doubt, such a research paper will contain mistakes, and thus it needs to be improved. That is why you have to write the draft of your research paper and submit it to your professor for approval first. By doing so, you’ll have the time to correct mistakes, add more material and literature references, or maybe change the style. In the end, your work will be “polished,” and you will be able to say that your research paper is almost perfect. But keep in mind that the “draft” does not simply mean a Word document where you have collected all of the information you have been able to find. the “draft” is actually a research paper that you haven’t checked for mistakes. The draft should have a comprehensive structure, literature references and all of the other attributes of an excellent research paper.
Students dedicate a lot of attention to writing interesting research papers, partly because a great deal of attention is paid to this paper by their professors, partly because a research paper is a good way to demonstrate one’s skills, competence and qualification in a chosen field. Here trid to show you the main steps toward successful research paper writing.
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