MA Dissertation Writing
MA Dissertation
MA dissertation is the essential paper for obtaining Master’s degree. It is often regarded as the most difficult paper. It will represent the level of your skills and the overall knowledge gained during the years of studying. True, you have written dozens of papers for different classes before you need to write MA dissertation. But remember that it’s not just a longer paper, writing MA dissertation is much more complicated. To write a perfect MA dissertation you should work hard and be ready to devote much time to it. The process of writing the MA dissertation starts from the moment when the topic is chosen, so do not neglect this important step. The topic of dissertation must be clear and interesting for you, but at the same time it must reflect something absolutely new and original in the field of study. There are also very strict requirements concerning the structure and methodology of MA dissertation. The final MA paper should meet the highest standards of quality. Furthermore, one of the main requirements to dissertation is the applying of your own ideas and conclusions and not just a literature review.
Quick Navigation through MA Dissertation page:
- MA Dissertation Example
- MA Dissertation Structure
- How Can We Help
- MA Dissertation Template
- MA Dissertation Topics
- MA Dissertation Methodology
- MA Dissertation Proposal Literature
- MA Dissertation tips
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MA Dissertation Structure
We often misunderstand this paper to be a simple paper that has an introduction, the main body and a conclusion. Usually, MA dissertation structure consists of such main parts: title page, abstract, acknowledgment, table of contents, introduction, methodology, theoretical framework/bibliography review chapter, body, conclusions, references and appendices.
MA Dissertation Abstract (click to enlarge)
An abstract is a very important part of your dissertation. It contains the main information of your research: tasks, objectives, methods and expected results. An abstract includes the main points of your MA dissertation outlined in a brief form. Remember that it’s the most read part of your research and try to attract the reader.
Usually it is followed by the acknowledgment, where you mention people or organizations who assisted you in your research. It’s not an obligatory part, but it you decided to include it in your MA thesis, remember that you can’t mention only your supervisor. There should be either no acknowledgment or it should include several names.
In the introduction you have to present your knowledge of the research field and to set the objectives and the tasks of dissertation. Naturally, at the end of introduction comes the thesis statement or hypotheses of dissertation. The thesis statement is one of the most important aspects of your MA dissertation because it is going to form the basis of your paper. Always remember that your thesis statement should be a specific and defensible statement and not a universal truth, otherwise there is no point of doing a research.
The methodology provides the information about the methods applied for the research, describes particular steps done while conducting the research. Methodology may be a part of introduction or a separate chapter.
In MA dissertation a separate chapter should be devoted to the theoretical framework of the research. It may also be called bibliography or literature review. In this chapter you should present the attainment of the previous researchers. Point out what have already been done in the field of your research and what gaps have remained. And thus support the statement that your work will add something to the further development of the field.
The main body is the biggest part of MA dissertation where you present the process and results of your work. Structurally, the body should consist of several chapters. But still there is a subdivision of chapters into theoretical and experimental.
The conclusion contains the description of major results of your MA dissertation and the recommendations for future research. When you are drafting the conclusion, please remember that a conclusion should not include a re-stating of the summary and thesis of the research paper. The conclusion requires your critical views or opinions.
In references you have to provide the list of literature and web sites used in the thesis. You should place the sources in alphabetical order.
Appendices usually contain pictures, tables, diagrams and other visual material confirming the main results of the research. It may also contain the key extracts from documents, which are analyzed in the dissertation.
How Can We Help
Dissertation or thesis writing is always considered to be an exhaustive task because many of us do not have skills required to create an impressive custom research paper. The reason of it is sometimes the lack of information, and sometimes the lack of time. In any case the dissertation fails to meet the expectations of the reader and the writer loses on his/her marks. ProfEssays.com is a just one click away when you need custom essays or any kind of research papers. When it comes to MA dissertationthe expectations are generally higher than that of any other essay paper because it should correspond to the highest standards of quality. Appropriate language, the style and format requirements of Masters’ level dissertation are well-known to our writers. They can prepare an MA dissertation, the entire content of which will be clear, flawless and relevant. In addition to this it should also be interesting because nobody is going to read your paper if it’s boring. If you are not sure of your skills or short of time, but want your MA thesis to be really good feel free to address ProfEssays.com and order your dissertation now.
Our writers can make your work easier by providing you with suitable help in writing all kinds of custom dissertations or any other of your research papers. All you need to do is to instruct us about the kind of essay that is required and the rest of work is our responsibility. Our writers are experts in writing all kinds of custom dissertations and term papers therefore you can easily rely on us for the best work. It is not an easy task to write an MA Dissertationswithout a professional help like ProfEssays.com.
MA Dissertation Template
The writing of MA dissertation is not an easy task, especially for students who are unfamiliar with the main principles of doing this research paper. In this case the MA dissertation template may help you. It will serve you as an example, but be careful and never try copy all the information from the template. Use a template like an outline and try to create your own and unique MA dissertation.
MA Dissertation Topics
How to choose an MA dissertation topic? Perhaps, that is one of the most common questions among the students. The properly chosen topic may make the writing process much easier and vice versa. When choosing MA dissertation topic, be sure it is familiar to you and you have sufficient information to develop it. The topic must be interesting and innovative. Also you should try to avoid extremely broad topics, it is better to find concise and clear topic.
MA Dissertation Methodology
You need to keep in mind the dissertation methodology while composing a research paper for your MA. In writing your MA dissertation you may use qualitative or quantitative methods or both. The choice of methods depends on the data you need do study. The most common qualitative methods applied in the process of research are interview and participant observation. Experiments, case studies and content analysis are very popular among the quantitative methods. The description of research methods is provided in the MA dissertation methodology chapter.
MA Dissertation Proposal Literature
The literature used for writing MA dissertation composes the dissertation bibliography. The books or articles which reflect the best your topic of MA dissertation have to be described in literature review chapter. It is a brief observation of the main results achieved by other authors. While writing your MA dissertation, remember that you may quote from an already published text or author, but you need to give your observation as well.
MA Dissertation tips
Some helpful tips will help you to write successful MA dissertation:
- This research paper is a culmination of all your class room learning and notes.
- A good amount of time and organizational skills are required for writing this paper.
- Always provide a review of the literature that you are referring to in support of your arguments.
- You cannot just randomly pick up material from the Internet. Because it may or may not be authentic. So be careful with your research and analysis.
- Try to avoid vague and confusing topics because it would further complicate your situation.