Adoption Essay
An adoption essay is a kind writing, which contains the information about child adoption. The writer should discuss the matter from two perspectives. Both the children’s and parents’ interests must be presented in the paper. Moreover, it is necessary to mention that there are several types of adoption. They are: agency adoption, independent adoption, and intercountry adoption. The most important thing to do before getting down to work is choosing the topic for the paper. Read the sources you have found and try to connect your own ideas with ones of the author’s. It is possible to discuss one of the following questions in the paper: 1) What is adoption? 2) Do such types of adoption as agency, independent, and intercountry differ? 3) How to find a child for adoption?. 4) Are the children of all ages available for adoption? 5) Is it possible for a single person to take care of such a child?
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- Adoption Essay Basics
- How Can We Help
- An Adoption Research Paper
- An Adoption Thesis Statement
- An Abortion Essay
- A Foster Care Essay
- Adoption Quotes
- A Trans-racial Adoption Essay
- A Good Adoption Essay
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Adoption Essay Basics
Adoption is a legal process of adopting a child. The parent adopting, called adopter, assumes all the parenting rights of the biological parents after adoption is finalized. The adopted child becomes a family member and gets all the rights that go with it, like inheritance, for example. While adoption is common everywhere, it is highly regulated in the western world. And there are many issues surrounding adoption: legal, social and psychological. Writing a well-crafted adoption essay means that the writer is informed about the aspects concerning the topic under analysis.
Adoption has existed for many centuries. When slavery was common, children used to be adopted to be slaves. The extension of the family and ensuring the continuity of the generation also were the reasons for adoption. Recently, the focus is on the welfare of a child. And obviously there have been tendency of childless parents adopting a child. On the welfare side, children abandoned by parents, orphaned or not well provided are adopted by those, who can take care of them. There have been debates about LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) adoption. In that case, welfare of the adoptee is given the main consideration.
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ProfEssays.com is committed to meet all the usual expectations of students and their professors. We can write any paper from personal essays for college admission to any kind of essays for your academic need. We hire only professional writers, whose native language is English. Besides, their experience in their field is matchless in the industry. They are very well acquainted with all the aspects of adoption and can provide your paper with strong arguments.
An Adoption Research Paper
An adoption research paper must be structured properly. If you want to organize your paper correctly, you should prepare a pithy outline for it. Firstly, identify the problem you are going to deal with. Secondly, choose the level of detail that you are going to use. Do not forget that it is possible to write several phrases about an issue or use one or two words to explain the same point.
An Adoption Thesis Statement
An adoption thesis statement is often recommended to write the last. It is so because its purpose is to become a guide to the paper. It is better to make it provocative to catch the readers’ attention. Try brainstorming to get the ideas for your thesis. Some professionals suggest finding excellent thesis statements and taking them as an example. It will be great if your thesis contains contradiction or some new idea.
An Abortion Essay
An abortion essay is also a frequently written paper. It is necessary to state that any abortion essay should emphasize the consequences of abortion. It must influence the readers’ point of view upon this issue. Women who get rid of their own babies do not think that they kill living beings. The baby’s heart starts beating in the fifth week of pregnancy; that is why abortion is a murder of a creature which even did not start to live.
A Foster Care Essay
A foster care essay should present both positive and negative influence of foster care upon a child. On the one hand, it is the only way out both for childless people and a homeless child. But on the other hand, there are several problems that may occur. It can be emotional instability, unexpected conflicts, bad behavior, rebellion against the guardian’s control, etc. The writer may focus whether on these problems and give his own recommendations.
Adoption Quotes
Adoption quotes are very useful for writing the paper on the matter under consideration. The quotes may be applied either as means for inspiration or as a topic to discuss. Thus, if you cannot choose an interesting topic for your adoption paper, you may google and select an interesting quote to become the basis for the writing. You may use this one: “It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.”
A Trans-racial Adoption Essay
A trans-racial adoption essay should explain what trans-racial adoption is. In fact, it is giving home and family to children that have different race and cultural background from the parents, who are going to adopt them. All children are equal and need parental love and care. The writer may focus on the procedure and requirements for adopting such a child. It is also necessary to view the opposing thoughts concerning the topic.
A Good Adoption Essay
Consider the following points for a good adoption essay.
- The title is obviously the most important thing to decide. It decides, if the readers want to read the paper up to the end. So, choose the title that you think will get the reader involved. Plus, make sure that you have enough knowledge for discussing the problem.
- Introduction gives the reader the basic data about adoption and the aspect of adoption you are dealing with. For example, if you are writing about the adoption of orphaned children, you can give the general overview of the problem along with statistics.
- Thesis statement is your declaration about the topic. Here you tell the readers in one sentence what your paper deals with. It gives you a clear focus on the issue and lets the readers know what they can expect from the paper.
- Body is obviously the main part of the essay as it is where you explain your take and then you put forward your opinions, arguments and facts. Ensure that you deal with all the aspects, pros and cons, and the issues surrounding the topic.
- Conclusion is a closing part of your adoption essay. Here you should summarize your points and give a final impression to the readers of what you are dealing in the essay. This is your chance to create a lasting impression in the readers’ mind.
- Format is also very important. The popular formats are APA style, MLA style, Turabian style, etc.
Thus, dealing with the debatable idea like adoption is not an easy task. The controversies surrounding adoption need you to be aware of many facets and issues of adoption. What if the biological parents want their child back? What about the social reception of the child? Will the adopters give the children enough love and emotional support for their mental development? Adoption is a beginning of new lasting relationship, but will that be sustained over period of time? These are some of the questions surrounding adoption. And you should answer some of them in your adoption essay. You ought to see the matter from the side of adoptee, adopters and the biological parents. Besides, you must not ignore the rules and regulation governing adoption.
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