Creating Essay References
The essay reference at the end of a publication is a list of books and other literary sources, sections of which the writer indicated as quoted or paraphrased in his essay. The inclusion of other authoritative sources as reference is generally required for formal essays to enhance the credibility of the writer. An additional requirement is to cite the other author’s name or the title of the resource wherever their ideas are used in the body of the work. That name or essay title will serve to locate the source publication in the essay reference at the end. Typically an entry in this list of sources will mention other particulars of the resource which may be of interest to the readers. Depending on the kind of publication, the information contained for each item in the reference list may consist of any of the following: the author’s name, the complete title of the book or article, the name of the magazine containing the article, the publishers, the date and place of publication, or the website from which the book or article was taken and the date it was retrieved.
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ProfEssays.com has published many invaluable tips for writing academic essays. ProfEssays.com specializes in quality custom essays and accurate documentation. Their reliability concerning compliance with client specifications and article delivery is proven. Every transaction is private and client privacy is safeguarded. As for copyright matters, all their compositions are double checked for intentional or non-intentional plagiarism.
The following is a practical method provided by ProfEssays.com for finding good essay references:
- Secure one highly rated source dealing with your essay topic. You will find mention of external sources that the author used to develop his arguments in his list of sources.
- List down the books you find in his reference section and select the ones you will need for your particular interpretation of the subject matter. These books will reference other books that will contain other references you might be able to use, and so on down the line.
- Select your sources on the basis of the credibility and reputation of the author. You can find this out by looking up the author on an efficient web search page and refining your search with key words like “degrees”, “achievements”, “awards” or “books.”
You will naturally have to select your essay references from sources that are available to you. So if you do not have access to a school library, you may want to avail yourself of membership in a reputable internet book site, usually for a fee.
Acquiring good references is usually a time consuming and perhaps costly undertaking. If you can’t borrow it you have to buy it! But it does not have to be so if you can find a consultant equipped to help. At ProfEssays.com, for instance, writers have all the tools for researching about any topic within their field. Through years of practice in academic writing they know and can access the best resources to use for any field of study making them highly qualified providers for custom essay papers that require essay references. Check out our sample essay papers as well.